The AlphaRet Professional Peel is a 3-step peel system that has been shown to improve overall skin tone and texture for patients with mild photo-damage, early signs of aging or blemishes. A blend of Lactic, Glycolic and Salicylic Acids re-texturises the skin to enhance the action of patented AlphaRet Technology for optimal results.

Chemical Peel Pre- Treatment Considerations
4 weeks prior to your appointment:
• Avoid sun tanning, tanning beds, and sunless tanners for 4 weeks prior to treatment. Optimize your sun protection by wearing sun-protective clothing, hats, broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher. Reapply every 2 hours while outdoors.

1 week prior to your appointment:
• Avoid products and treatments that may cause skin irritation or sensitivity (such as chemical peels, waxing, etc.). It is fine to continue your skin care regimen as long as they do not cause skin irritation. it is recommended to discontinue, especially If you have sensitive skin, all retinoids & exfoliating products 1 week prior to your peel (e.g. AlphaRet, retinol, Retrinal, tretinoin or RetinA, Tazorac, salicylic acid, alpha-hydroxyacids like glycolic acid, lactic acid).

On the day of treatment:
• If you have a history of cold sores (herpes viral infections), take your acyclovir or valacyclovir (Valtrex) as recommended and continue for 5 days. Like sunlight, laser light can trigger a flare, and the medication reduces this risk. • If you have an active cold sore or infection in the area of treatment OR if your skin is irritated, we cannot treat you. Please contact our office as soon as possible to reschedule your treatment.

Chemical Peel Post-Care Treatment
In order to provide you with the best possible service, we ask that you carefully review these general post-care treatment instructions for a chemical peel treatment so that you fully understand them. If you have any questions about these instructions, please discuss them with your provider. To obtain maximum benefits from your treatment, it is crucial that you understand and adhere to these instructions. Failure to comply with these instructions may affect your treatment outcome and increase the likelihood or severity of complications. Depending on your individual needs, additional post-care treatment instructions may be given to you by your provider.

• If peeling to to occur, The peeling may take anywhere from 7-10 days on average or longer depending on internal and external factors such as skin type, age, weather, lifestyle, and hormones. Slight redness and skin sensitivity and flaking can occur as your treatment eliminates dead surface skin cells. Each treatment may vary. Other areas of the body will react differently because your skin has a different texture on your face and scalp than on your chest, back, arms, and legs. The healing process may take longer in those areas.

• Your skin may take on a rough, patchy, darkened quality a few days after this treatment. This is normal and expected and it will resolve on its own. The first areas to peel are usually around the nose and mouth, but can begin anywhere. Most people begin peeling on the 3rd or 4th day after treatment. It is also possible to not peel at all. If this occurs, you will still benefit from the treatment because the skin has exfoliated microscopically.

• Avoid any aerobic exercise or vigorous physical activity for the first 48 hours

• Use of sunscreen with SPF 30 or greater at all times is warranted but at minimum judicial use of SPF for at least a week after your peel. It is recommended that you continue to use these products to help protect your skin and maintain the benefits of the peel even after your initial week

• Avoid direct sun exposure. Too much sun exposure may cause improper healing and in some cases may reverse the benefits of the peel and lead to unwanted hypergmentation that may take several months if not 1 year to correct.

• Treat the skin gently- DO NOT Exfoliate- thought you may experience mildy red, dry, or flaking skin for several days or more after your peel.

• Do not pick or pull at peeling skin. The dead will naturally slough off

• Consult with your provider on when it is safe to go back to your normal home care regimen

• Possible side effects include but are not limited to: mild to extreme redness, temporary tightness, hyperpigmentation, itching, swelling, and dryness of the skin similar to a sunburn or windburn. This will usually subside in 2-3 days. A prescription of hydrocortisone, or over-the-counter hydrocortisone (Vanicream HCⓇ) may be recommended if the skin is inflamed or irritated.

• You may GENTLY apply a cold compress to the treated area(s) as needed for any burning or irritation associated with your treatment.

• Make sure to avoid excessive heat on the treated area and direct sun exposure of any kind, as well as tanning beds and self-tanners to the treated areas for 4 weeks after treatment.

• Do NOT engage in strenuous exercise for 2-3 days after treatment because it may exacerbate the inflammatory and can cause your skin to become extremely inflamed.

• Sweating excessively after treatment can irritate the skin or cause blistering due to the sweat being unable to escape through the top layer of dead skin. Try to avoid sweating until after you have stopped peeling to avoid lifting the skin prematurely, as this can cause scarring.

• Do NOT use any acidic products such as retinoids or tretinoins, acne medication products such as Retin-AⓇ, TazoracⓇ, RenovaⓇ, AtralinⓇ, ZianaⓇ, VeltinⓇ, DifferinⓇ, the antibiotic Doxycycline, AHAs (lactic, glycolic, tartaric, etc.), BHAs (salicylic), benzoyl peroxide, vitamin C products, lightening agents such as hydroquinone or any exfoliative products including loofahs or coarse sponges to your skin for a minimum of 5 days -1 week after your chemical peel, you may need to extend a another week or more if you notice your skin becomes sensitive to application. These medications and products increase your photosensitivity, which can significantly increase the likelihood of complications.

• Do NOT tweeze, pick, rub, exfoliate, wax, use a depilatory, undergo electrolysis, or schedule a facial or cosmetic service such as laser resurfacing, or IPL on a treated area(s) for 4 weeks after your treatment. To reduce the risk of scarring, you do not want to remove the dry, rough, dead skin faster than your body wants to.

• Do NOT get your hair dyed until a week after you have finished peeling, if your treatment was performed on the face or neck. For most people, week 3 post-peel is the best time to have your hair color treated.

• This procedure can stimulate cold sores. If you have an outbreak after your treatment, please call the office to inquire about obtaining a prescription.

How to Care for your Skin Post-Peel
• Cleanse Gently: Your skin may be fragile for 5-7 days. Cleanse your skin with COOL water (hot water will cause inflammation to the skin) using only your fingertips – no washcloths, loofahs, buff puffs, sponges, ClarisonicⓇ, etc. We recommend using the Revision Gentle Cleanser. Other mild cleansers such as Dove Unscented Bar Soap for Sensitive SkinⓇ, AveenoⓇ, CetaphilⓇ, CeraVeⓇ, or VanicreamⓇ may be recommended by your esthetician, depending on your specific needs.

• Moisturize Often: Letting the skin dry out may cause discomfort. We recommend using Skinbetter Science Trio moisturizer or SkinCeuticals Phyto Corrective GelⓇ and SkinCeuticals Epidermal RepairⓇ to help your skin recover.
For strong peels, you may use petroleum jelly for the first few days or as needed on sensitive areas that are peeling. When you start to peel, use a non-comedogenic moisturizer such as AveenoⓇ, VanicreamⓇ, CetaphilⓇ, or CeraVeⓇ, until the skin feels back to normal. This will promote the healing process by locking in moisture and reducing the chance of a bacterial infection, redness, and irritation. Use these products several times per day or as needed. Topical hydrocortisone may be recommended, depending on your specific needs.

• Protect Your Skin: Heat and sun exposure can cause inflammation to the skin. Remember to avoid excessive heat on the treated area and direct sun exposure of any kind, as well as tanning bed sand self-tanners to the planned treatment areas for 4 weeks after treatment. If you need to be outdoors, make sure to use an umbrella or wear a large-brimmed hat, a pair of sunglasses, and use a physical sunblock (containing zinc oxide and titanium dioxide). We recommend using skinbetter science SPF in liquid or compact form (tinted options available) Both of these products provide broad-spectrum protection from both UVA and UVB rays with no chemical sun filters. Apply 30 minutes before exposure and reapply often (about every 2 hours) when exposed to the sun. Other sunscreen products may be recommended depending on your specific needs.We always recommend the use of sunscreen to prevent sun damage to the skin. Sunscreen with SPF 30 or above should be used daily. If you are under the sun for prolonged periods of time, sunscreen needs to be reapplied at least once every 2-4 hours. It is imperative to use SPF to decrease the risk of hyperpigmentation.

Specific recommendations from the manufacture:
• *Products to avoid Do not use retinoid or retinol containing products such as AlphaRet or any other Vitamin A derivatives for a minimum of 5-7 days post treatment unless otherwise directed by your healthcare professional (per specific recommendations of Skinbetter Science AlphaRet Chemical Peel)

• Soothe your skin We recommend using SkinBetter Science Alto Defense Antioxidant Serum twice daily after the peel as it soothes and calms the skin Disclosure- Failure to follow the previously mentioned instructions can results in adverse outcomes. It is imperative that you maintain open communication with your provider of your Aesthetic/Medical history and keep informed of any and all medications and or procedures that is in your active skincare regimen

Microneedling Pre-Procedure Instructions & Precautions

-Avoid sun exposure/burns twenty-four (24) hours prior to treatment.
- Discontinue use of retinoids twelve (12) hours prior to treatment
- You should not have an active breakout, active cold sores, or open lesions. If this occurs, your microneedling treatment should be rescheduled.
- Allow at least (twelve) 12 hours after autoimmune therapies before having a microneedling treatment.
- Wait six (6) months following isotretinoin (Accutane) use.
- Skin types Fitzpatrick IV-VI, pigment may darken prior to lightening.

Wait at least:

- Forty-eight (48) hours before or after Botox treatment to have a microneedling treatment.
-One (1) week before or after any fillers such as Juvederm, Restylane, etc.
- One (1) month before or after laser treatments such as IPL, VBeam, etc. or chemical peels such as Vitalize, Rejuvenize, etc. or Microdermabrasion Treatments

Post-Procedure Instructions & Precautions

-Only use the Rescue Calming Complex and the Lift HA Serum for the next twentyfour (24) hours. Do not use any other skincare products (cleansers, moisturizers, or sunblocks).
-Days 2 through 4 post procedure – Use a gentle cleanser and a zinc oxide sunblock as well as continue using the Rescue Calming Complex and the Lift HA Serum.
-Avoid exercise for three (3) days following the procedure.
-No sun exposure for three (3) days.
Day 1 - Mild to moderate redness and swelling, similar to a sunburn. No sunscreen or makeup.
Day 2 - Some persistent redness and swelling may be present. May apply sunscreen and makeup.
Day 3 - Most redness, bruising, and swelling almost gone. Day 4 - Return to normal appearance without makeup.


Pre-treatment Instructions
● Topical retinoid therapy should be discontinued 2-4 days prior to treatment
● Avoid any prolonged exposure to the sun, if you must be in the sun use a zinc oxide sunscreen of at least SPF 30.
● Avoid taking anticoagulants (aspirin, mobic, ibuprofen, naproxen) for one week if medical condition allows.
● Arrive to your appointment with clean skin. There should be no lotion, makeup, perfume, powder, self tanner, bath or shower oil present on the skin to be treated. You will be given the opportunity to remove your make-up in the event this was not possible.

What to Expect
• Immediately after your treatment most patients will experience a clinical endpoint of erythema (redness) for 1-3 days, however for more aggressive treatments this may last longer. Slight to moderate edema (swelling) and mild to moderate sunburn sensation are also common post treatment and may last 1-3 days. Skin may crust and peel for 2-7 days depending on the treatment setting.
• Skin may feel warm and tighter than usual
• Skin may crust and peel for 3-7 days after treatment
• Redness and swelling may last for 3-4 days
• On more aggressive settings and deeper penetration (4mm-8mm) the healing time maybe longer than previously discussed.
• You may have a acne breakout after the treatment, this is normal and often expected as the procedure can trigger a flare.

Post-treatment Instructions
• You may search the internet and read multiple different ways to care for your skin post Morpheus. The following is what we have found in our practice to have the greatest impact and it is what we recommend for you to achieve optimal results.
• You can wash your face in the evening and morning immediately following your procedure and continue thereafter
• SPF can be applied after 24 hours. We recommend our Skinbetter Science tinted SPF as it is a flawless SPF that closely resembles a makeup.
• Make-up is to be avoided for at least 24 hours however 72 hours is optimal.
• If your Morpheus treatment came with a skincare package, you can begin using the products at the 72 hour mark unless otherwise indicated.
• Retinoids may be used 5-7 days after treatment.
• There are no restrictions on bathing except to treat the skin gently, avoid scrubbing or trauma to the treated areas, as if you had a sunburn.
• Avoid hot tubes, spas, lakes ext until; all redness has resolved.
• Avoid sun exposure to reduce the chance of hyperpigmentation (darker pigmentation).
You may not notice immediate results, in fact sometimes your skin may appear to get worse before it repairs and regenerates.This is normal and a expected outcome. You will notice results as your skin starts to heal and repair as well as long term improvements in your skin as the weeks pass. The time for skin cell turnover is 28 days so most people will begin to see increased results after this time. This is also the time it takes to rebuild collagen and elastin. Results will take time to see but will be worth the wait.You will continue to build new collagen and elastic for up to 6 months.

Thread Lift Pre-Treatment

Thread Lift Pre-Treatment Instruction:
• To minimize bruising avoid the following blood thinners ~3 days prior to treatment: baby aspirin, Aleve, Motrin, multivitamins, vitamin E and D, and fish oils – they can cause you to bruise more easily. Note: please consult with your prescribing physician before discontinuing any prescribed baby aspirin or blood thinners. Without clearance from your prescribing physician we will not be able to treat you.
• Please do not drink alcohol for 7 days prior to the procedure.
• Please do not smoke 2 days before and 2 weeks after treatment.
• You are not a candidate for MINT Threads if you:
◦ are pregnant or breastfeeding
◦ are allergic to any of its ingredients
◦ have acute illness or autoimmune deficiencies
◦ have a bleeding disorder
◦ have keloid or hypertrophic scarring
• Do not schedule any dental work, including cleanings, 2 weeks prior to treatment.
• We always recommend using sunscreen to protect your skin as we will not perform the treatment on sunburnt skin. Please use care when in the sun and in the days prior to your appointment.
• It’s important not to have a bacterial or fungal infection, or an abrasion in the desired treatment area as it can spread after injection.
• Always inform your clinician of all medications you may be taking, as well as any changes in your medical history

Thread Lift Post-Treatment Instruction:
• DO know that it is common to feel some tugging and soreness as you move the treated area. These feelings diminish after a week or two.
• DO go back to everyday life (i.e. driving, eating (avoiding aggressive or prolonged chewing), walking, etc.) right after the procedure. See notes about exercise in “Don’t” section.
• Do apply a cool compress ( in 30-minute increments over the first 24 hours to reduce swelling. Please be aware that using ice on newly injected skin, or thin and fragile skin, can cause injury. Frostbite can occur from ice left on the skin too long. Note: do not ice over the entry point.
• Do use Arnica for bruising. The bruising will dissipate over the next 7-14 days depending on your individual healing process. You can purchase bromelain at Facial Aesthetics on the day of your treatment.
• Do use bromelain for swelling that has not dissipated in 24 hours. You can purchase bromelain at Facial Aesthetics on the day of your treatment.
• Do sleep on your back (if possible) for the next 3-5 days to prevent movement of threads.
• Do return to your skin care program after 24 hours.
• Do (if prescribed) take your full prescription of your antibiotic or anti-viral medication.
• Do manage any pain or discomfort by taking only Tylenol as per recommended dosing instructions. Due to threads being placed in the skin, there may be discomfort and tightness in the area for several days after the procedure, this will decrease over time.
• Do contact your injector following the Thread Lift procedure if you develop any new or worsened swelling, tenderness, warmth, or redness in the treated area, or if you’re experiencing any discharge from the entry point(s).
• Do make a follow-up appointment with your injector 1-week post-treatment – communication is so important.

• DO NOT touch your entry points for 48 hours. If applying a cool compress, avoid contact with the entry points.
• Do not massage the treatment area or receive deep facial massage for the next 2 months.
• Do not pick at the tiny scab that will form at the entry point over the next few days. If it itches, hydrogen peroxide on a Q-tip may be gently applied to the site, or an oral antihistamine such Benadryl can be taken.
• Do not lay down either on your back or on your stomach for 4 hours after the procedure to decrease the possibility of the movements of threads.
• Do not exercise for 4 weeks. This includes all strenuous workouts. Walking is permitted.
• Do not take a shower or wash your hair for the first 24 hours. Avoid hot showers for one week.
• When washing face after 24 hours, gently wash the required area with cleanser (recommended by your injector) and water. It is fine to shampoo and wash over the entry point and to towel off the area.
• Do not take a hot tub, or sauna for one week.
• Do not smoke or consume alcoholic beverages (includes wine) for 1-2 weeks. Smoking and drinking will slow down the healing process.
• Do not apply skin care products/makeup for 24 hours post treatment.
• Do not apply makeup over the entry point until you see your clinician at your follow-up appointment.
• Do not make exaggerated facial expressions for about 2-3 weeks. Avoid aggressive or prolonged chewing, wide yawning, or smiling too large for up to 1 month.
• Do avoid dental work, including cleanings, for 4 weeks. Should you have a dental emergency, please contact your injector.

Pre and post instructions for Botox/Jeuveau/Xeomin /neurotoxin

Do not use Botulinum Toxin A if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, are allergic to any of its ingredients, or suffer from any neurological disorders.
• This treatment is not recommended if you have an important event within 2 weeks of
• injection due to potential for bruising
• Avoid herbal supplements such as Ginko, green tea, and anti‐ inflammatory medications (Aleve, Advil, Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Aspirin, etc.) for 2 weeks before and following treatment to limit bruising
• Do Not Drink Wine for One Week Before Your Appointment
• Don't Take Anti-Inflammatory Medications During the Week Before BOTOX
• Avoid Foods That Contain Garlic (and Consider Using Arnica)
• Save the Workout
• Wait to Apply Makeup
• Use a Gentle Facial Cleanser


Botox truly is a no down time procedure and there are few restrictions following a Botox treatment. We recommend the following guidelines:
*Guidelines to follow to prevent the possible side effect of ptosis. These measures should minimize the possibility of ptosis nearly 98%.
-Avoid straining, heavy lifting, and/or vigorous exercise for 3-4 hours following treatment. It takes the toxin approximately 2 hours to bind itself to the nerve terminal to start its work and we do not want to increase circulation to inadvertently move the botulinum toxin from where it was injected. This waiting period is recommended by most practitioners. You may resume other normal activities/routines immediately.
-Avoid rubbing, touching, pressing, massaging or manipulating the treated area(s) for 3-4 hours after treatment (for the same reasons listed above).
-When cleansing your face or applying make-up, use gentle, sweeping motions to avoid excessive mobility of the area(s).
-Avoid lying down or bending over for 3-4 hours after treatment as this may allow the botulinum toxin to disperse in undesired directions.
-Facial Exercises in the injected area(s) is recommended for 1 hour following treatment to stimulate the binding of the toxin only to the localized area (e.g. practice frowning, raising your eyebrows or squinting). Results of your treatment can take 2-10 days to take full effect although many people will recognize the benefits in 3-5 days after treatment.
-You may take acetaminophen/Tylenol if you experience any mild tenderness or discomfort. Avoid aspirin or ibuprofen products as they may increase your potential to bruise.
-Avoid drinking alcohol for 24-48 hours before and after treatment. Alcohol may cause more bruising and/ or swelling.
-Avoid extended UV exposure until any redness/swelling has subsided. Apply SPF 30 or higher sunscreen to the treated area(s).
-It is recommended to discontinue Retin-A for 24 hours to the treated areas to avoid increased redness and irritation
You may notice small areas of redness and/or small bumps at the injection sites immediately following your treatment. These will resolve quickly, usually within 15 minutes.
Avoid rubbing the areas that have been treated with Botox for the first 48 hours.
– You may apply makeup after any pinpoint bleeding has resolved.
Your treatment will take effect in 3-7 days. We recommend that you make a follow up appointment for 2 weeks after your treatment so that we can evaluate your results and determine if any adjustments to your dose need to be made, especially if this is your first time getting Botox with us.
Other disclosures that are relevant and are of significant importance are those that are listed on the product brands themselves.

Pre and post treatment instructions for dermal fillers

Pre-Treatment Considerations:
• Schedule your injection at a time when minor swelling or bruising will not disrupt your social obligations. Each time you are treated, outcomes may vary.
• To lessen the likelihood of bleeding or bruising, discontinue use of blood thinning products for 10 days prior to treatment, if approved by your primary care provider. This includes: aspirin, ibuprofen (Motrin or Advil), naproxen, Aleve, fish oil, St. John's Wort, flax, Vitamin E, Vitamin D, garlic, Ginkgo Biloba, ginseng, etc. Alcohol is also to be avoided 24 hours pre- or post- injectable treatment, as it is also a blood thinner. You can consider taking Arnica Montana natural supplement to help bruising (take 5 tablets three times per day starting one week prior to treatment).
• Please notify your provider if you have any history of cold sores, as we will consider pre-medicating with an antiviral prescription prior to injections. It is recommended that you are pretreated with medication prior to the injection treatments around or near the oral area. The medication will need to be initiated 3 days prior to your treatment visit Cancel your appointment if you have any open sores in the treatment area. It is important that you alert us of any medical conditions you may have and/or any prescribed medications you are taking prior to your treatment.
• Any injection introduces the risk for infection. For this reason, the following is taken into consideration when proceeding with injections. We will delay injectables if you:
-Have had any infection, cold, virus, or flu in the past 30 days.
-Have had a surgical procedure in the past 30 days or are anticipating a surgery or procedure.
-Take any immunosuppressive/injectable medications (ex: Biologics such as Humira, Skyrizi, Stelara, Enbrel, Taltz,Cosentyx, Tremfya).
-It is recommended that you wait at least 2 weeks to have dermal filler treatments performed if you have previously had cosmetic treatments with laser, ultrasound, peels, facials or micro- dermabrasion.
-Additional contraindications: Pregnancy, breastfeeding, allergies to components of dermal fillers, open sores in areas to be treated

Post treatment instructions and information
• Swelling, bruising, tenderness, numbness, and areas of firm nodules may occur
• Cosmetic fillers are long lasting, but not permanent. Longevity depends on the areas treated and your body’s metabolism.
• DO NOT massage, touch, or manipulate the injection site. Avoid heavy exercise the day of your treatment.
• Ice packs may be used to the treated area during the first 12 hours. Ice for 15 minutes on every hour
• Avoid dental work for 30 days after filler injections.
• Avoid sleeping on your side or stomach for 24 hours post-treatment to prevent dispersing the product. We recommend you sleep elevated on your back and use pillows to stabilize yourself.
• If experiencing swelling, sleep with head elevated for 2-3 days to decrease swelling.
• You may take acetaminophen/Tylenol if you experience any mild tenderness or discomfort.
• Wait a minimum of four weeks (or as directed by your provider) before receiving any skin care or laser treatments.
• For most patients, the benefits of dermal fillers can be enhanced by using a medicalgrade skincare system. Please contact your provider or a member of the staff for product recommendations.
• If you experience bruising, Arnica Montana natural supplement can be taken to help bruising to resolve at a faster rate; take 5 tablets three times per day (this can be started 1 week prior to injections).
• If you experience any of the following symptoms, contact our office immediately: dusky or white discoloration of injected areas, mottling or unusual bruising, severe or increasing pain, redness, increasing warmth or coolness to touch, severe swelling, itching, blisters, difficulty swallowing or smiling, fever, or chills. If you notice onset of any of these symptoms, call our office immediately at 352-279-9506 to speak with a provider. If you are unable to reach any provider please seek emergency evaluation as there is a risk for vascular compromise and or occlusion, if failed to treat promptly it can result in tissue death/necrosis. After hours, you will be connected with a medical provider through our answering services
Other disclosures that are relevant and are of significant importance are those that are listed on the product brands themselves.


• Active electrical implant in any region of the body
• Vaginal of pelvic surgery within the last 12 months
• Implants of mesh in the treatment area
• History of genital herpes
• Uterine prolapse, cystocele or rectocele greater than Grade 1
• Urinary tract infection
• Pelvic infection
• Active malignancy or cancer treatment within the last 5 years
• Melanoma
• Dysplastic nevi in the treatment zone
• Malignant recurring lymph node dissection of the pelvic area or significant lower lymphatic drainage problems
• Concurrent illnesses such as significant cardiac disease, diabetes, autoimmune disease or any other concurrent illnesses which may impede the wound healing response or disease, which the physician deems may interfere with proper recovery
• History of epidermal or dermal disorders involving collagen or microvasculature • Pregnant and nursing
• Impaired immune system due to immunosuppressive diseases, such as AIDS and HIV, or use of immunosuppressive medications
• Diseases which may be stimulated by radiofrequency • Use of anticoagulants or history of bleeding diathesis
• Any active condition in the treatment area, such as open lacerations, abrasions or lesions, psoriasis, eczema, or rashes
• History of skin disorders, keloids, abnormal wound healing(caution should be exercised if treating very dry and fragile skin)
• Any surgical procedure in the treatment area within the last 3 months or before complete healing
• Treating over tattoo or over permanent makeup
• History of Accutane use in the previous 6 months
• History of oral corticosteroid use in the previous 6 months
• Excessively tanned skin in the treatment area from treating any condition which might make it unsafe for the patient Any of these conditions may be treated at the discretion of your physician. We may require that you bring a written consent from your specialist if we deem it necessary
What happens during the procedure :
We provide your procedure in a private, relaxing room. Prior to you treatment we will ask that you use the restroom to empty your bladder. You then will be provided with the VTone treatment wand. The treatment wand will lubricated with a small amount of gel to help ease the comfort of entry, then gently inserted into the vagina. Once the wand is inserted, it will apply muscle stimulation, targeting the deeper layers of tissue in the vaginal walls. It is important to always feel a contraction, if you suddenly stop feeling the construction then let the provider know as the treatment wand will need to be adjusted.
Procedure time varies, but generally treatments takes 30 minutes of active treatment time and a 45 min time frame from start to finish.

How is the recovery ?
There is no downtime to worry about after your treatments. You may experience some swelling, redness or sensitivity, but these temporary side effects only last for a few days and should not interfere with you returning to your usual activities or work. Wait for 3-7 days before having intercourse again, and keep the area moisturized with a substance such as coconut oil or creams we may prescribe if needed.

Pre-Treatment / post treatment Preparations
Please obtain a copy of your most recent normal PAP test (within last 12 months) and recent normal vaginal exam to ensure that there are no active infections
If you have vaginal herpes we will need to pre treat with Acyclovir or Valacyclovir for prophylaxis prior to treatment
Hair should be shaved in the treatment area 2-4 days prior to the procedure. The hair should not be waxed or chemically removed.
avoid anticoagulants such as aspirin throughout the treatment regimen, if medical condition permits and pertinent to physician approval. Anticoagulants increase the possibility of bruising.

PDO Threads

Patient Consent Form for MINT PDO procedure
The procedure:
MINT, a patently-molded PDO thread, will be used in a minimally invasive procedure to target sagging jowls, nasolabial folds, marionette lines, unwanted midface wrinkles, sagging neckline, undefined jawlines, etc. to pull up the targeted areas and achieve a desired look.
Despite the thread effectively lifting areas listed above, over time and as the patient ages, wrinkles and sagging will recur.
For prevention of infection and precautionary measure, the patient will receive a prescription for antibiotics to be taken as directed by the doctor.
Bleeding & Bruising
Like any other procedure, there is a possibility of bleeding and bruising, but it will subside after a couple days and 1-2 weeks respectively.
Should an incision be made during the procedure, a scar may result, but it will typically be made in the hair line to avoid showing (speak to your doctor if an incision will be made, typically no incisions are made).
Due to threads being placed in the skin, there may be discomfort in the area for several days after the procedure, but will lessen over time. Pain and discomfort can be managed by taking ibuprofen (ex. Motrin, Advil, etc.).
Disorder of face movement
This is rare, but depending on the pulling within the SMAS (superficial musculoaponeurotic system) layer, it can affect a branch of the facial nerve and can cause disorders in facial movements, however this typically recovers over time.
Skin necrosis
This may occur if blood circulation is not sufficient.
Dimpling and bunching
Dimpling and bunching may occur due to the barbed threads being placed inside the skin, however this can be massaged out by the provider.

Medication will be given on-site and explained:
Cephalosporin antibiotics
Nonsteroidal pain medicine (NSAID, like Motrin)

I have been fully informed by the provider/provider’s staff/MINT manufacturer staff regarding the procedure, its possible side-effects, and post-op care, which are listed, but not limited to the articles listed above. Should there be any questions regarding the procedure, I, the patient, am responsible to ask questions during the consultation for any additional information that may not be listed on this form. n. I relieve Heather Anderson, APRN, Medical Director Dr. Fernando Jara and Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics LLC, from all legal action pertaining to this treatment.
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