Women’s Wellness in Tampa, FL Test

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Women’s Wellness

Beneficial for essentially every woman! Any woman with vaginal dryness, pain with intercourse, stress urinary incontinence, overactive bladder, vaginal laxity, chronic vaginal infections or lichen sclerosis will benefit. The options also include improvements for women and their partners desiring a boost in sensation with intercourse and women desiring an aesthetic enhancement, replacing sagging or crepey skin with a more youthful, better toned tissue. EmpowerRF uses radio-frequency energy to stimulate new collagen and elastin formation, making the tissue more lubricated and elastic.


Do You Suffer From?

A Safe And Effective Treatment

for Women’s Health & Wellness

The innovative EmpowerRF device—featuring seven different treatment options, all within one platform—is

FormaV comfortably heats the vaginal and vulvar tissue, stimulating collagen, elastin production and blood flow, which improves lubrication, vaginal support and urinary continence. Revolutionizing the world of women’s healthcare is the development of the Morpheus8V. We can now deliver radio-frequency energy under the surface layers and into the supportive tissues with microneedling. It results in even more collagen production in the vaginal walls that support the bladder and urethra, and markedly improves bladder control for both stress urinary incontinence and overactive bladder. Morpehus8V is also used externally to the labia and perineum. It helps heal areas plagued by lichen sclerosis and chronic pain. The clitoral area can also be treated resulting in increased sensation which equals more orgasms. If you have any pesky hemorrhoids, this treatment can help shrink those, too!

Other exciting options are the Tone and VTone devices. These use electromagnetic stimulation (EMS) to contract the muscles of the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, as well as inside the vagina to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. That’s the equivalent of more than 15,000 Kegel exercises in one 40-minute VTone session! A woman can strengthen her body’s tone, improve appearance and function as well as boost her bladder control and vaginal laxity.

The best is yet to come. If you are seeking to rejuvenate your vaginal appearance and address concerns such as enlarged labia, our non-surgical labiaplasty treatment using the AVIVA technology is an excellent choice. This advanced procedure offers a non-invasive approach to enhance your appearance, boost confidence, and restore satisfaction.

EmpowerRF patients are some of the happiest patients in our gynecology practice! Often they haven’t been

able to have sex for years due to pain and dryness, or they’ve had to know every bathroom location and wear a pad when going out. This treatment will not only change a woman’s life during the day with better bladder control, but also her life during the night with better sensation and comfort with intercourse. And, a better night sleep is also achieved with less waking during the night to void.


AVIVA is best for individuals with mild to moderate skin laxity in sensitive areas, such as the labia or inner thighs. It is ideal for women who want a non-surgical solution to tighten and firm these areas.

Results from AVIVA can typically be seen within a few weeks, with full results developing over the next few months as collagen builds.

AVIVA’s results can last up to a year or longer, depending on the individual’s skin condition and post-treatment care routine.

There is minimal downtime after AVIVA. In most cases, patients can return to normal activities within a day. Mild swelling, redness, or tenderness may occur but usually resolve within a few days.

Before AVIVA, it’s recommended that patients avoid irritating skincare products or treatments. After treatment, patients should follow their provider’s aftercare instructions, including avoiding strenuous activity and using gentle skincare products.

During AVIVA, radiofrequency energy is applied to the treatment area to heat and tighten the tissue. It is a relatively quick procedure, and most patients report minimal discomfort.

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