Pre and Post Care

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Pre/Post Treatment Instructions for Morpheus V

Morpheus V – FYI

-Morpheus V treatments may potentially change the natural color of your skin (Hyperpigmentation (darkening) and hypopigmentation (lightening)- In numerous studies these were not observed however it still can occur. Mostly it is transient, lasting up to six months, but in rare cases it can be permanent.

-Pinpoint bleeding and pattern- Bleeding and/or grid marks may occur during your Morpheus V treatment procedure and may produce visible patterns within the skin. They typically resolve within 30 days. The occurrence of this is not predictable.

-Burns RF energy can produce burns; however, we use particular settings at different depths to significantly reduce this risk.

-Scarring- Although normal healing after the procedure is expected, abnormal scars may occur both in the skin and deeper tissues. In rare cases, keloid scars may result. Additional treatments may be needed to treat scarring. Strict adherence to all advised post- operative instructions will reduce the possibility of scarring.

-Infections- With all procedures there is always the risk of developing an infection. We preform a surgical cleanse prior and follow strict guidelines to avoid this at all cost. Some signs of developing an infection are worsening redness, fever, pain, pus and swelling. Do not hesitate to contact Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics for immediate evaluation and treatment.


If you have any of the following it is important they are included in your medical history review prior to your Morpheus V Radiofrequency micro needling vaginal rejuvenation treatment: Contraindications in the use of the System include:
â–ª Active electrical implant/device in any region of the body, including pacemaker or internal defibrillator
â–ª Permanent implant in the treated area such as metal plates, screws or silicon, metal piercing or other.
â–ª Vaginal or pelvic surgery within the past 12 months.
â–ª Current or history of skin cancer and genital area cancer, or current condition of any other type of cancer, or pre-malignant moles.
â–ª Severe concurrent conditions, such as cardiac disorders, sensory disturbances, epilepsy, uncontrolled hypertension, and liver or kidney diseases.
â–ª History of skin disorders, keloids, abnormal wound healing, as well as very dry and fragile skin.
â–ª History of bleeding coagulopathies or use of anticoagulants except for low-dose aspirin.
â–ª Patients with history of diseases stimulated by heat, such as recurrent Herpes Simplex in the treatment area, may be treated only following a prophylactic regimen.
â–ª Impaired immune system due to immunosuppressive diseases such as AIDS and HIV or use of immunosuppressive medications.
â–ª Pregnancy and nursing.
â–ª Poorly controlled endocrine disorders, such as Diabetes, or thyroid dysfunction and hormonal virilization.
â–ª Isotretinoin (Accutane) within last 6 months.
â–ª Any active condition in the treatment area, such as sores, Psoriasis, eczema, and rash, open lacerations, abrasions or lesions, infection in the area to be treated, current urinary tract infection or pelvic infection, uterine prolapse, cystocele, rectocele.
â–ª Any surgical procedure in the treatment area within the last 12 months or before complete healing.
â–ª Having received treatment with light, laser, RF, or other devices in the treated area within 2-3 weeks for non-ablative procedures, and 6-12 weeks for ablative fractional laser resurfacing (according to treatment severity) prior to treatment,
except for special recommendations.


It is prudent to follow some simple guidelines before your treatment. These guidelines can reduce possible side effects associated with the procedure and make all the difference between a fair result and a great result.

-Hydrate, We recommend that for seven days of pre-treatment, you moisturize your skin in the morning and evening, and drink at least 8 glasses of water per day to completely hydrate your skin and optimize treatment results.

-You should have an up-to-date normal PAP test (withinthe last 12 months) and recent normal vaginal exam to ensure that there are no active infections

-Hair should be shaved in the treatment area 2-4 days prior to the procedure. The hair should not be waxed or chemically removed.

-No tanning bed or self-tanners for 1-2 weeks prior to treatment.

-If you have a history of herpetic outbreaks/ herpes we will provide you with an antiviral prescription to fill and take before your
appointment to decrease the risk of an outbreak. Take your first tablet 24 hours before your treatment and follow the instructions on the bottle.

-Avoid the following supplements that can increase bruising: fish oil, Gingko Biloba, Garlic, Flax Oil, Cod Liver Oil, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, or any other supplements one week before treatment.

-Avoid alcohol for two days prior to treatment


-Treatment Area- Please arrive with clean skin. No lotion, powder oils, or other products in the tin treatment area.

-Take prescribed medications as directed.

-Transportation arrangements – You will be able to drive yourself home from your procedure and will not need to secure another form of transportation; however, if you take any prescription-based medications that can affect your ability to drive we recommend you bring someone with you to your appointment to safety drive you home.


-You may experience temporary erythema (redness) and edema (swelling), mild bleeding, tissue retraction, as well as heat and tightening sensations for up to a few hours after the treatment.
-Pain- You may experience some discomfort after the procedure and can last up to 1 week following treatment however most clients report feeling 100% back to normal after 3 days. If you feel significant discomfort after the treatment, you may take over the counter pain medication to minimize the pain. If pain increases or persists, contact Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics for immediate evaluation and treatment.

-Bruising- You may experience some temporary bruising in the treated area which will subside with healing.

-Wash your skin with a gentle cleanser twice a day and pat dry (do not scrub).

-You may notice light spotting, mild burning, itching, swelling or mild cramping for a few days.

-Do not have intercourse for 3 days

-Do not insert tampons or anything else into the vagina for 1 week.

-Do not use a douche, cleanser, suppositories, or any other products in the vagina for 1 week.

-No Jacuzzis, tub baths, or swimming for 1 week.

-No tanning beds or self-tanning cream for 1 week.

-No heavy exercise for 1 week.

-You may apply hydrocortisone cream as needed for itching.

-You may apply antibiotic ointment as needed for any sores or irritated areas.

-You may apply an ice pack as needed for discomfort (no more than 10 minutes per hour with cotton barrier).

-You may apply 100 %Aloe Vera to help alleviate any itching or dryness that you may experience.

-Emollient cream or healing ointment would be applied to the Morpheus8V external treatment area. Vaniply, Vaseline, antibiotic ointment or Aquaphor may be used.

-Tiny scabs may appear after 1-3 days and stay for several days following the treatment. The scabs should not be touched or scratched even if they itch and should be allowed to flake off naturally. Blisters may be treated with a prescribed antibiotic ointment or burn treatment
cream as per physician’s discretion.

-In case of vaginal discharge, a panty liner may be worn for the first day after treatment.


We recommend re-treatment every 3-4 weeks, with a total of 3 treatments in a row. After a series has been completed, treat 1-2 times per year or as needed.


Having no treatment is an alternative to Morpheus 8V vaginal treatment. Procedures based upon other devices are also alternatives. There may be surgical options for your concerns. Pelvic floor exercises may be an alternative option and are recommended in combination with this treatment. V TONE electro muscular stimulation is also recommended to have a synergistic affect and aid in the treatment of urge, stress, and mixed urinary incontinence. Our V Tone device is also FDA cleared for urinary incontinence and pelvic floor therapy.

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