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Pre And Post Care

Pre and post instructions for Botox/Jeuveau/Xeomin /neurotoxin
Do not use Botulinum Toxin A if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, are allergic to any of its
ingredients, or suffer from any neurological disorders.
• This treatment is not recommended if you have an important event within 2 weeks of
• injection due to potential for bruising
• Avoid herbal supplements such as Ginko, green tea, and anti‐
inflammatory medications (Aleve, Advil, Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Aspirin, etc.) for 2 weeks before
and following treatment to limit bruising
• Do Not Drink Wine for One Week Before Your Appointment
• Don’t Take Anti-Inflammatory Medications During the Week Before
• Avoid Foods That Contain Garlic (and Consider Using Arnica)
• Save the Workout
• Wait to Apply Makeup
Use a Gentle Facial Cleanser.
Botox truly is a no down time procedure and there are few restrictions following a Botox
treatment. We recommend the following guidelines:
*Guidelines to follow to prevent the possible side effect of ptosis.
These measures should minimize the possibility of ptosis nearly 98%.
-Avoid straining, heavy lifting, and/or vigorous exercise for 3-4 hours following treatment. It takes
the toxin approximately 2 hours to bind itself to the nerve terminal to start its work and we do not
want to increase circulation to inadvertently move the botulinum toxin from where it was injected.
This waiting period is recommended by most practitioners. You may resume other normal
activities/routines immediately. -Avoid rubbing, touching, pressing, massaging or manipulating
the treated area(s) for 3-4 hours after treatment (for the same reasons listed above).
-When cleansing your face or applying make-up, use gentle, sweeping motions to avoid
excessive mobility of the area(s).
-Avoid lying down or bending over for 3-4 hours after treatment as this may allow the botulinum
toxin to disperse in undesired directions.
-Facial Exercises in the injected area(s) is recommended for 1 hour following treatment to
stimulate the binding of the toxin only to the localized area (e.g. practice frowning, raising your
eyebrows or squinting). Results of your treatment can take 2-10 days to take full effect although
many people will recognize the benefits in 3-5 days after treatment.
-You may take acetaminophen/Tylenol if you experience any mild tenderness or discomfort.
Avoid aspirin or ibuprofen products as they may increase your potential to bruise.
-Avoid drinking alcohol for 24-48 hours before and after treatment. Alcohol may cause more
bruising and/ or swelling.
-Avoid extended UV exposure until any redness/swelling has subsided. Apply SPF 30 or higher
sunscreen to the treated area(s).
-It is recommended to discontinue Retin-A for 24 hours to the treated areas to avoid increased
redness and irritation
– You may notice small areas of redness and/or small bumps at the injection sites immediately
following your treatment. These will resolve quickly, usually within 15 minutes.
– Avoid rubbing the areas that have been treated with Botox for the first 48 hours.
– You may apply makeup after any pinpoint bleeding has resolved.
– Your treatment will take effect in 3-7 days. We recommend that you make a follow up
appointment for 2 weeks after your treatment so that we can evaluate your results and
determine if any adjustments to your dose need to be made, especially if this is your first time
getting Botox with us.
Other disclosures that are relevant and are of significant importance are those that are listed on
the product brands themselves.

Microneedling Pre-Procedure Instructions & Precautions
-Avoid sun exposure/burns twenty-four (24) hours prior to treatment.
– Discontinue use of retinoids twelve (12) hours prior to treatment.
– You should not have an active breakout, active cold sores, or open lesions. If this occurs, your
microneedling treatment should be rescheduled.
– Allow at least (twelve) 12 hours after autoimmune therapies before having a microneedling
– Wait six (6) months following isotretinoin (Accutane) use.
– Skin types Fitzpatrick IV-VI, pigment may darken prior to lightening.
-Wait at least:
– Forty-eight (48) hours before or after Botox treatment to have a microneedling treatment.
-One (1) week before or after any fillers such as Juvederm, Restylane, etc.
– One (1) month before or after laser treatments such as IPL, VBeam, etc. or chemical peels
such as Vitalize, Rejuvenize, etc. or Microdermabrasion Treatments
Post-Procedure Instructions & Precautions
-Only use the Rescue Calming Complex and the Lift HA Serum for the next twenty- four (24)
hours. Do not use any other skincare products (cleansers, moisturizers, or sunblocks).
-Days 2 through 4 post procedure – Use a gentle cleanser and a zinc oxide sunblock as well as
continue using the Rescue Calming Complex and the Lift HA Serum.
-Avoid exercise for three (3) days following the procedure.
-No sun exposure for three (3) days.
Day 1 – Mild to moderate redness and swelling, similar to a sunburn. No sunscreen or makeup.
Day 2 – Some persistent redness and swelling may be present. May apply sunscreen and
Day 3 – Most redness, bruising, and swelling almost gone. Day 4 – Return to normal appearance
without makeup.

Thread Lift Pre-Treatment Instruction:
• To minimize bruising avoid the following blood thinners ~3 days prior to treatment: baby
aspirin, Aleve, Motrin, multivitamins, vitamin E and D, and fish oils – they can cause you to
bruise more easily. Note: please consult with your prescribing physician before discontinuing
any prescribed baby aspirin or blood thinners. Without clearance from your prescribing
physician we will not be able to treat you.
• Please do not drink alcohol for 7 days prior to the procedure.
• Please do not smoke 2 days before and 2 weeks after treatment.
• You are not a candidate for MINT Threads if you:
◦ are pregnant or breastfeeding
◦ are allergic to any of its ingredients
◦ have acute illness or autoimmune deficiencies
◦ have a bleeding disorder
◦ have keloid or hypertrophic scarring
• Do not schedule any dental work, including cleanings, 2 weeks prior to treatment.
• We always recommend using sunscreen to protect your skin as we will not perform the
treatment on sunburnt skin. Please use care when in the sun and in the days prior to your
• It’s important not to have a bacterial or fungal infection, or an abrasion in the desired treatment
area as it can spread after injection.
• Always inform your clinician of all medications you may be taking, as well as any changes in
your medical history.
Thread Lift Post-Treatment Instruction:
• DO know that it is common to feel some tugging and soreness as you move the
treated area. These feelings diminish after a week or two.
• DO go back to everyday life (i.e. driving, eating (avoiding aggressive or
prolonged chewing), walking, etc.) right after the procedure. See notes about exercise in “Don’t”

• Do apply a cool compress ( in 30-minute increments over the first 24 hours to reduce swelling.
Please be aware that using ice on newly injected skin, or thin and fragile skin, can cause injury.
Frostbite can occur from ice left on the skin too long. Note: do not ice over the entry point.
• Do use Arnica for bruising. The bruising will dissipate over the next 7-14 days depending on
your individual healing process. You can purchase bromelain at Facial Aesthetics on the day of
your treatment.
• Do use bromelain for swelling that has not dissipated in 24 hours. You can purchase bromelain
at Facial Aesthetics on the day of your treatment.
• Do sleep on your back (if possible) for the next 3-5 days to prevent movement of threads.
• Do return to your skin care program after 24 hours.
• Do (if prescribed) take your full prescription of your antibiotic or anti-viral
• Do manage any pain or discomfort by taking only Tylenol as per recommended
dosing instructions. Due to threads being placed in the skin, there may be discomfort and
tightness in the area for several days after the procedure, this will decrease over time.
• Do contact your injector following the Thread Lift procedure if you develop any new or
worsened swelling, tenderness, warmth, or redness in the treated area, or if you’re experiencing
any discharge from the entry point(s).
• Do make a follow-up appointment with your injector 1-week post-treatment – communication is
so important.
• DO NOT touch your entry points for 48 hours. If applying a cool compress,
avoid contact with the entry points.
• Do not massage the treatment area or receive deep facial massage for the next 2
• Do not pick at the tiny scab that will form at the entry point over the next few
days. If it itches, hydrogen peroxide on a Q-tip may be gently applied to the
site, or an oral antihistamine such Benadryl can be taken.
• Do not lay down either on your back or on your stomach for 4 hours after the
procedure to decrease the possibility of the movements of threads.
• Do not exercise for 4 weeks. This includes all strenuous workouts. Walking is
• Do not take a shower or wash your hair for the first 24 hours. Avoid hot showers for one week.
• When washing face after 24 hours, gently wash the required area with cleanser
(recommended by your injector) and water. It is fine to shampoo and wash over the entry point
and to towel off the area.
• Do not take a hot tub, or sauna for one week.
• Do not smoke or consume alcoholic beverages (includes wine) for 1-2 weeks.
Smoking and drinking will slow down the healing process.
• Do not apply skin care products/makeup for 24 hours post treatment.
• Do not apply makeup over the entry point until you see your clinician at your
follow-up appointment.
• Do not make exaggerated facial expressions for about 2-3 weeks. Avoid
aggressive or prolonged chewing, wide yawning, or smiling too large for up to 1
• Do avoid dental work, including cleanings, for 4 weeks. Should you have a
dental emergency, please contact your injector.

Pre-treatment Instructions
● Topical retinoid therapy should be discontinued 2-4 days prior to treatment
● Avoid any prolonged exposure to the sun, if you must be in the sun use a zinc oxide
sunscreen of at least SPF 30.
● Avoid taking anticoagulants (aspirin, mobic, ibuprofen, naproxen) for one week if medical
condition allows.
● Arrive to your appointment with clean skin. There should be no lotion, makeup, perfume,
powder, self tanner, bath or shower oil present on the skin to be treated. You will be given the
opportunity to remove your make-up in the event this was not possible.
What to Expect
• Immediately after your treatment most patients will experience a clinical
endpoint of erythema (redness) for 1-3 days, however for more aggressive treatments this may
last longer. Slight to moderate edema (swelling) and mild to moderate sunburn sensation are
also common post treatment and may last 1-3 days. Skin may crust and peel for 2-7 days
depending on the treatment setting.
• Skin may feel warm and tighter than usual
• Skin may crust and peel for 3-7 days after treatment
• Redness and swelling may last for 3-4 days
• On more aggressive settings and deeper penetration (4mm-8mm) the healing
time maybe longer than previously discussed.
• You may have a acne breakout after the treatment, this is normal and often
expected as the procedure can trigger a flare.

Post-treatment Instructions
• You may search the internet and read multiple different ways to care for your skin post
Morpheus. The following is what we have found in our practice to have the greatest impact and it
is what we recommend for you to achieve optimal results.
• You can wash your face in the evening and morning immediately following your procedure and
continue thereafter.
• SPF can be applied after 24 hours. We recommend our Skinbetter Science tinted SPF as it is
a flawless SPF that closely resembles a makeup.
• Make-up is to be avoided for at least 24 hours however 72 hours is optimal.
• If your Morpheus treatment came with a skincare package, you can begin using
the products at the 72 hour mark unless otherwise indicated.
• Retinoids may be used 5-7 days after treatment.
• There are no restrictions on bathing except to treat the skin gently, avoid
scrubbing or trauma to the treated areas, as if you had a sunburn.
• Avoid hot tubes, spas, lakes ext until; all redness has resolved.
• Avoid sun exposure to reduce the chance of hyperpigmentation (darker
You may not notice immediate results, in fact sometimes your skin may appear to get worse
before it repairs and regenerates.This is normal and a expected outcome. You will notice results
as your skin starts to heal and repair as well as long term improvements in your skin as the
weeks pass. The time for skin cell turnover is 28 days so most people will begin to see
increased results after this time. This is also the time it takes to rebuild collagen and elastin.
Results will take time to see but will be worth the wait. You will continue to build new collagen
and elastic for up to 6 months.

The AlphaRet Professional Peel is a 3-step peel system that has been shown to improve overall
skin tone and texture for patients with mild photo-damage, early signs of aging or blemishes. A
blend of Lactic, Glycolic and Salicylic Acids re-texturises the skin to enhance the action of
patented AlphaRet Technology for optimal results.
Chemical Peel Pre- Treatment Considerations
4 weeks prior to your appointment:
• Avoid sun tanning, tanning beds, and sunless tanners for 4 weeks prior to treatment. Optimize
your sun protection by wearing sun-protective clothing, hats, broad-spectrum sunscreen with
SPF 30 or higher. Reapply every 2 hours while outdoors.
1 week prior to your appointment:
• Avoid products and treatments that may cause skin irritation or sensitivity (such as chemical
peels, waxing, etc.). It is fine to continue your skin care regimen as long as they do not cause
skin irritation. it is recommended to discontinue, especially If you have sensitive skin, all
retinoids & exfoliating products 1 week prior to your peel (e.g. AlphaRet, retinol, Retinal, tretinoin
or RetinA, Tazorac, salicylic acid, alpha-hydroxyacids like glycolic acid, lactic acid).
On the day of treatment:
• If you have a history of cold sores (herpes viral infections), take your acyclovir or valacyclovir
(Valtrex) as recommended and continue for 5 days. Like sunlight, laser light can trigger a flare,
and the medication reduces this risk.
• If you have an active cold sore or infection in the area of treatment OR if your skin is irritated,
we cannot treat you. Please contact our office as soon as possible to reschedule your treatment.
Chemical Peel Post-Care Treatment
In order to provide you with the best possible service, we ask that you carefully review these
general post-care treatment instructions for a chemical peel treatment so that you fully
understand them. If you have any questions about these instructions, please discuss them with
your provider. To obtain maximum benefits from your treatment, it is crucial that you understand
and adhere to these instructions. Failure to comply with these instructions may affect your
treatment outcome and increase the likelihood or severity of complications. Depending on your
individual needs, additional post-care treatment instructions may be given to you by your
• If peeling to to occur, The peeling may take anywhere from 7-10 days on average or longer
depending on internal and external factors such as skin type, age, weather, lifestyle, and
hormones. Slight redness and skin sensitivity and flaking can occur as your treatment eliminates
dead surface skin cells. Each treatment may vary. Other areas of the body will react differently
because your skin has a different texture on your face and scalp than on your chest, back, arms,
and legs. The healing process may take longer in those areas.
• Your skin may take on a rough, patchy, darkened quality a few days after this treatment. This is
normal and expected and it will resolve on its own. The first areas to peel are usually around the
nose and mouth, but can begin anywhere. Most people begin peeling on the 3rd or 4th day after
treatment. It is also possible to not peel at all. If this occurs, you will still benefit from the
treatment because the skin has exfoliated microscopically.
• Avoid any aerobic exercise or vigorous physical activity for the first 48 hours
• Use of sunscreen with SPF 30 or greater at all times is warranted but at minimum judicial use
of SPF for at least a week after your peel. It is recommended that you continue to use these
products to help protect your skin and maintain the benefits of the peel even after your initial
• Avoid direct sun exposure. Too much sun exposure may cause improper healing and in some
cases may reverse the benefits of the peel and lead to unwanted hypergmentation that may take
several months if not 1 year to correct.
• Treat the skin gently- DO NOT Exfoliate- thought you may experience mildly red, dry, or flaking
skin for several days or more after your peel.
• Do not pick or pull at peeling skin. The dead will naturally slough off.
• Consult with your provider on when it is safe to go back to your normal home care regimen
• Possible side effects include but are not limited to: mild to extreme redness, temporary
tightness, hyperpigmentation, itching, swelling, and dryness of the skin similar to a sunburn or
windburn. This will usually subside in 2-3 days. A prescription of hydrocortisone, or over-thecounter hydrocortisone (Vanicream HCR) may be recommended if the skin is
inflamed or irritated.
• You may GENTLY apply a cold compress to the treated area(s) as needed for
any burning or irritation associated with your treatment.
• Make sure to avoid excessive heat on the treated area and direct sun exposure of
any kind, as well as tanning beds and self-tanners to the treated areas for 4 weeks after
• Do NOT engage in strenuous exercise for 2-3 days after treatment because it may exacerbate
the inflammatory and can cause your skin to become extremely inflamed.
• Sweating excessively after treatment can irritate the skin or cause blistering due to the sweat
being unable to escape through the top layer of dead skin. Try to avoid sweating until after you
have stopped peeling to avoid lifting the skin prematurely, as this can cause scarring.
• Do NOT use any acidic products such as retinoids or tretinoins, acne medication products such
as Retin-AR, TazoracR, RenovaR, AtralinR, ZianaR, VeltinR,
DifferinR, the antibiotic Doxycycline, AHAs (lactic, glycolic, tartaric, etc.), BHAs (salicylic),
benzoyl peroxide, vitamin C products, lightening agents such as hydroquinone or any exfoliative
products including loofahs or coarse sponges to your skin for a minimum of 5 days -1 week after
your chemical peel, you may need to extend a another week or more if you notice your skin
becomes sensitive to application. These medications and products increase your
photosensitivity, which can significantly increase the likelihood of complications.
• Do NOT tweeze, pick, rub, exfoliate, wax, use a depilatory, undergo electrolysis, or schedule a
facial or cosmetic service such as laser resurfacing, or IPL on a treated area(s) for 4 weeks after
your treatment. To reduce the risk of scarring, you do not want to remove the dry, rough, dead
skin faster than your body wants to.
• Do NOT get your hair dyed until a week after you have finished peeling, if your treatment was
performed on the face or neck. For most people, week 3 post-peel is the best time to have your
hair color treated.
• This procedure can stimulate cold sores. If you have an outbreak after your treatment, please
call the office to inquire about obtaining a prescription.
How to Care for your Skin Post-Peel
• Cleanse Gently: Your skin may be fragile for 5-7 days. Cleanse your skin with COOL water (hot
water will cause inflammation to the skin) using only your fingertips – no washcloths, loofahs,
buff puffs, sponges, ClarisonicR, etc. We recommend using the Revision
Gentle Cleanser. Other mild cleansers such as Dove Unscented Bar Soap for Sensitive SkinR,
AveenoR, CetaphilR, CeraVeR, or VanicreamR may be recommended by your
esthetician, depending on your specific needs.
• Moisturize Often: Letting the skin dry out may cause discomfort. We
recommend using Skinbetter Science Trio moisturizer or SkinCeuticals Phyto Corrective GelR
and SkinCeuticals Epidermal RepairR to help your skin recover.
For strong peels, you may use petroleum jelly for the first few days or as needed on sensitive
areas that are peeling. When you start to peel, use a non-comedogenic moisturizer such as
AveenoR, VanicreamR, CetaphilR, or CeraVeR, until the skin feels back to normal. This will
promote the healing process by locking in moisture and reducing the chance of a bacterial
infection, redness, and irritation. Use these products several times per day or as needed. Topical
hydrocortisone may be recommended, depending on your specific needs.
• Protect Your Skin: Heat and sun exposure can cause inflammation to the skin. Remember to
avoid excessive heat on the treated area and direct sun exposure of any kind, as well as tanning
bed sand self-tanners to the planned treatment areas for 4 weeks after treatment. If you need to
be outdoors, make sure to use an umbrella or wear a large-brimmed hat, a pair of sunglasses,
and use a physical sunblock (containing zinc oxide and titanium dioxide). We recommend using
skinbetter science SPF in liquid or compact form (tinted options available) Both of these
products provide broad-spectrum protection from both UVA and UVB rays with no chemical sun
filters. Apply 30 minutes before exposure and reapply often (about every 2 hours) when exposed
to the sun. Other sunscreen products may be recommended depending on your specific
needs.We always recommend the use of sunscreen to prevent sun damage to the skin.
Sunscreen with SPF 30 or above should be used daily. If you are under the sun for prolonged
periods of time, sunscreen needs to be reapplied at least once every 2-4 hours. It is imperative
to use SPF to decrease the risk of hyperpigmentation. Specific recommendations from the
• *Products to avoid Do not use retinoid or retinol containing products such as AlphaRet or any
other Vitamin A derivatives for a minimum of 5-7 days post treatment unless otherwise directed
by your healthcare professional (per specific recommendations of Skinbetter Science AlphaRet
Chemical Peel)
• Soothe your skin We recommend using SkinBetter Science Alto Defense Antioxidant Serum
twice daily after the peel as it soothes and calms the skin
Disclosure- Failure to follow the previously mentioned instructions can results in adverse
outcomes. It is imperative that you maintain open communication with your provider of your
Aesthetic/Medical history and keep informed of any and all medications and or procedures that
is in your active skincare regimen.

Pre and post treatment instructions for dermal fillers
Pre-Treatment Considerations:
• • Schedule your injection at a time when minor swelling or bruising will not
disrupt your social obligations. Each time you are treated, outcomes may vary.
• • To lessen the likelihood of bleeding or bruising, discontinue use of blood
thinning products for 10 days prior to treatment, if approved by your primary care provider. This
includes: aspirin, ibuprofen (Motrin or Advil), naproxen, Aleve, fish oil, St. John’s Wort, flax,
Vitamin E, Vitamin D, garlic, Ginkgo Biloba, ginseng, etc. Alcohol is also to be avoided 24 hours
pre- or post- injectable treatment, as it is also a blood thinner. You can consider taking Arnica
Montana natural supplement to help bruising (take 5 tablets three times per day starting one
week prior to treatment).
• • Please notify your provider if you have any history of cold sores, as we will consider premedicating with an antiviral prescription prior to injections. It is recommended that you are
pretreated with medication prior to the injection treatments around or near the oral area. The
medication will need to be initiated 3 days prior to your treatment visit Cancel your appointment
if you have any open sores in the treatment area. It is important that you alert us of any medical
conditions you may have and/or any prescribed medications you are taking prior to your
• • Any injection introduces the risk for infection. For this reason, the following is taken into
consideration when proceeding with injections. We will delay injectables if you:
-Have had any infection, cold, virus, or flu in the past 30 days.
-Have had a surgical procedure in the past 30 days or are anticipating a surgery
or procedure.
-Take any immunosuppressive/injectable medications (ex: Biologics such as
Humira, Skyrizi, Stelara, Enbrel, Taltz,Cosentyx, Tremfya).
-It is recommended that you wait at least 2 weeks to have dermal filler treatments performed if
you have previously had cosmetic treatments with laser, ultrasound, peels, facials or microdermabrasion.

-Additional contraindications: Pregnancy, breastfeeding, allergies to components of dermal
fillers, open sores in areas to be treated
Post treatment instructions and information
• Swelling, bruising, tenderness, numbness, and areas of firm nodules may occur.
• Cosmetic fillers are long lasting, but not permanent. Longevity depends on the areas treated
and your body’s metabolism.
cleanser, moisturizer, or makeup!
• DO NOT massage, touch, or manipulate the injection site. Avoid heavy exercise the day of
your treatment.
• Ice packs may be used to the treated area during the first 12 hours. Ice for 15 minutes on
every hour.
• Avoid dental work for 30 days after filler injections.
• Avoid sleeping on your side or stomach for 24 hours post-treatment to prevent dispersing the
product. We recommend you sleep elevated on your back and use pillows to stabilize yourself.
• If experiencing swelling, sleep with head elevated for 2-3 days to decrease swelling. • You may
take acetaminophen/Tylenol if you experience any mild tenderness or discomfort.
• Wait a minimum of four weeks (or as directed by your provider) before receiving any skin care
or laser treatments.
• For most patients, the benefits of dermal fillers can be enhanced by using a medical- grade
skincare system. Please contact your provider or a member of the staff for product
• If you experience bruising, Arnica Montana natural supplement can be taken to help bruising to
resolve at a faster rate; take 5 tablets three times per day (this can be started 1 week prior to
• If you experience any of the following symptoms, contact our office immediately: dusky or
white discoloration of injected areas, mottling or unusual bruising, severe or increasing pain,
redness, increasing warmth or coolness to touch, severe swelling, itching, blisters, difficulty
swallowing or smiling, fever, or chills. If you notice onset of any of these symptoms, call our
office immediately at 352-279-9506 to speak with a provider. If you are unable to reach any
provider please seek emergency evaluation as there is a risk for vascular compromise and or
occlusion, if failed to treat promptly it can result in tissue death/necrosis. After hours, you will be
connected with a medical provider through our answering services
Other disclosures that are relevant and are of significant importance are those that are listed on
the product brands themselves.

• Active electrical implant in any region of the body
• Vaginal of pelvic surgery within the last 12 months
• Implants of mesh in the treatment area
• History of genital herpes
• Uterine prolapse, cystocele or rectocele greater than Grade 1
• Urinary tract infection
• Pelvic infection
• Active malignancy or cancer treatment within the last 5 years
• Melanoma
• Dysplastic nevi in the treatment zone
• Malignant recurring lymph node dissection of the pelvic area or significant lower lymphatic
drainage problems
• Concurrent illnesses such as significant cardiac disease, diabetes, autoimmune disease or any
other concurrent illnesses which may impede the wound healing response or disease, which the
physician deems may interfere with proper recovery
• History of epidermal or dermal disorders involving collagen or microvasculature • Pregnant and
• Impaired immune system due to immunosuppressive diseases, such as AIDS and HIV, or use
of immunosuppressive medications
• Diseases which may be stimulated by radiofrequency • Use of anticoagulants or history of
bleeding diathesis
• Any active condition in the treatment area, such as open lacerations, abrasions or lesions,
psoriasis, eczema, or rashes
• History of skin disorders, keloids, abnormal wound healing(caution should be exercised if
treating very dry and fragile skin)
• Any surgical procedure in the treatment area within the last 3 months or before complete
• Treating over tattoo or over permanent makeup
• History of Accutane use in the previous 6 months
• History of oral corticosteroid use in the previous 6 months
• Excessively tanned skin in the treatment area from treating any condition which might make it
unsafe for the patient Any of these conditions may be treated at the discretion of your
physician. We may require that you bring a written consent from your specialist if we deem it
What happens during the procedure :
We provide your procedure in a private, relaxing room. Prior to you treatment we will ask that
you use the restroom to empty your bladder. You then will be provided with the VTone treatment
wand. The treatment wand will lubricated with a small amount of gel to help ease the comfort of
entry, then gently inserted into the vagina.
Once the wand is inserted, it will apply muscle stimulation, targeting the deeper layers of tissue
in the vaginal walls. It is important to always feel a contraction, if you suddenly stop feeling the
construction then let the provider know as the treatment wand will need to be adjusted.
Procedure time varies, but generally treatments takes 30 minutes of active treatment time and a
45 min time frame from start to finish.
How is the recovery ?
There is no downtime to worry about after your treatments. You may experience some swelling,
redness or sensitivity, but these temporary side effects only last for a few days and should not
interfere with you returning to your usual activities or work.
Wait for 3-7 days before having intercourse again, and keep the area moisturized with a
substance such as coconut oil or creams we may prescribe if needed.
Pre-Treatment / post treatment Preparations
Please obtain a copy of your most recent normal PAP test (within last 12 months) and recent
normal vaginal exam to ensure that there are no active infections
If you have vaginal herpes we will need to pre treat with Acyclovir or Valacyclovir for prophylaxis
prior to treatment
Hair should be shaved in the treatment area 2-4 days prior to the procedure. The hair should not
be waxed or chemically removed.
avoid anticoagulants such as aspirin throughout the treatment regimen, if medical condition
permits and pertinent to physician approval. Anticoagulants increase the possibility of bruising

Pre and Post treatment instructions for Morpheus V
There are both risks, and complications associated with the Morpheus V RF Microneedling
vaginal procedure. Although the majority of patients do not experience these complications, you
should understand the risks and potential complications. This is a cosmetic treatment that could
potentially conflict with other medically necessary medications used to treat disease. Full
disclosure of medical conditions (past and current) is necessary to determine if this treatment is
appropriate for you. Complete information on your medical history minimizes your risks from this
treatment. If you under a physician’s care for a serious medical condition Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics
may require the permission of your health care provider for cosmetic treatments. The Morpheus
V is used for the remodeling of the skin in the vaginal and vulvar regions and the external skin of
the labia.
This list is not meant to be inclusive of all possible risks associated with the Morpheus V as
there are both known and unknown side effects associated with any medication or procedure.
-Pregnant women should not have the Morpheus V treatment.
Erythema and edema- Redness and swelling of the treated area can be expected and usually
subside within ten days but can take longer.
Expect irritation, itching, and/or a mild burning sensation, similar to a moderate or severe
sunburn. Blistering, scabbing and temporary bruising are also possible. Hyperpigmentation
(darkening) and hypopigmentation (lightening)- Morpheus V treatments may potentially change
the natural color of your skin. In numerous studies these were not observed however it still can
occur. Skin redness usually lasts 2 weeks 3 months and occasionally months following RF ‐
Microneedling treatment. Darkening and lightening of the skin in the treated areas can
occasionally occur. Mostly it is transient, lasting up to six months, but in rare cases it can be
permanent. Occasionally these pigmentary changes occur despite appropriate protection from
the sun. A line of demarcation between normal skin and skin treated with devices can occur.
Pinpoint bleeding and pattern- Bleeding and/or grid marks may occur during your Morpheus V
treatment procedure and may produce visible patterns within the skin. They typically resolve
within 30 days. The occurrence of this is not predictable.
Burns RF energy can produce burns. Adjacent structures including the eyes may be injured or ‐
permanently damaged by the laser beam. Burns are rare yet represent the effect of heat
produced within the tissues by RF energy. Additional treatment may be necessary to treat laser
Accutane (Isotretinoin) Accutane is a prescription medication used to treat certain skin ‐
diseases. This drug may impair the ability of skin to heal following treatments for a variable
amount of time even after the patient has ceased taking it. Individuals who have taken the drug
are advised to allow their skin adequate time to recover from Accutane before undergoing laser
skin treatment procedures.
Scarring- Although normal healing after the procedure is expected, abnormal scars may occur
both in the skin and deeper tissues. In rare cases, keloid scars may result. Scars may be
unattractive and of different color than the surrounding skin. Additional treatments may be
needed to treat scarring. Strict adherence to all advised post- operative instructions will reduce
the possibility of scarring.
Infections- This treatment has the potential to cause skin damage, so infection is possible.
Infection is unlikely but can be life threatening if it does occur and is left untreated, signs and
symptoms of infection are redness, fever, pain, pus and swelling. Should infection occur, you
should contact Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics for immediate evaluation and treatment. It is important
that you tell your provider if you think you have an infection.
Herpetic outbreaks can be triggered by Morpheus V RF microneedling treatments. This applies
to both individuals with a past history of Herpes simplex virus infections and individuals with no
known history of Herpes simplex virus infections. Specific medications will be prescribed and
taken both prior to and following the laser treatment procedure in order to suppress an infection
from this virus. An outbreak increases the risk of scarring
Pain- You may experience pain after the procedure. If you feel significant discomfort after the
treatment, you may take over the counter pain medication to minimize the pain. If pain increases
or persists, contact Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics for immediate evaluation and treatment. Very
infrequently chronic pain may occur after RF skin treatment procedures.
Bruising- You may experience some temporary bruising in the treated area which will subside
with healing.
Blistering- You may experience some temporary Blistering / Bullae in the treated area which will
subside with healing.
Numbing agent reactions- Your skin may be numbed using an analgesic agent(s) as part of your
FR Microneedling vaginal procedure. Analgesics typically include but are not limited to
benzocaine, lidocaine, tetracaine and epinephrine. There is the possibility of complications,
injury, and even death from analgesics.
Prescribed medications- Systemic reactions may result from drugs used during the procedure.
Contraindications. If you have any of the following it is important they were included in your
medical history review prior to your Morpheus V Radiofrequency micro needling vaginal
rejuvenation treatment:
Abnormal cell cytology.
Evidence of dysplasia and occult or active infection.
Injury or bleeding in external vaginal area or undiagnosed vaginal bleeding.
Active malignancy or history of malignancy in the past five years.
Active electrical implant anywhere in the body, such as a pacemaker or an internal defibrillator.
Implants or mesh in the treatment area.
Suffering from significant concurrent illness, such as cardiac disorders, diabetes (type I or II),
lupus, porphyria or pertinent neurological disorders (i.e., any disease state that in the opinion of
the physician would interfere with the treatment or healing process). Having a known anticoagulative or thromboembolic condition or taking anticoagulation medications one week prior to
and during the treatment course (to allow inclusion, temporary cessation of use as per the
patient physician’s discretion). History of immunosuppression/immune deficiency disorders
(including HIV infection or AIDS) or currently using immunosuppressive medications.
Suffering from hormonal imbalance, whether related to thyroid, pituitary, or androgen. History of
significant lymphatic drainage problems.
History of cancer which required lymph node biopsy or dissection.
Suffering from significant conditions in the treated areas or inflammatory conditions, including
but not limited to open lacerations or abrasions of the treatment area prior to treatment or during
the treatment course.
History of keloid scarring, abnormal wound healing and/or prone to bruising.
History of epidermal or dermal disorders (particularly if involving collagen or microvascularity),
including collagen vascular disease or vasculitic disorders.
Use of isotretinoin (Accutane®) within six months of treatment or during treatment.
On systemic corticosteroid therapy six months prior to and throughout the course of treatment.
Dysplastic nevi in the area to be treated.
Surgery or any other procedure for Vaginal Tightening in the last 12 months. Uterine prolapse,
cystocele or rectocele.
Urinary tract infection.
Pelvic infection.
Active malignancy or cancer treatment within the last five years.
Melanoma history.
Excessively tanned skin in the treatment area from sun, sun beds or tanning creams.
It is prudent to follow some simple guidelines before your treatment. These guidelines can
reduce possible side effects associated with the procedure and make all the difference between
a fair result and a great result.
Hydrate- We recommend that for seven days pre-treatment you moisturize skin in the morning
and evening, drink at least 8 glasses of water per day to completely hydrate your skin and
optimize treatment results.
Vaginal health screening- Have an up-to-date, normal PAP smear done within one year prior to
Shaved- Please have pubic hair fully shaved.
Over the Counter Medications- Avoid aspirin, Motrin and Ibuprofen for one week prior to your
treatment. Inform your provider if you are taking blood thinners or regularly take aspirin or
Sun exposure- No tanning bed or self-tanners for 1-2 weeks prior to treatment. Prescription
Medications- We will provide you with an antiviral prescription to fill and take before your
appointment to decrease the risk of a herpetic outbreak. Take your first tablet 24 hours before
your treatment and follow instructions on the bottle. Take other medications that may be
prescribed for anxiety or pain management as instructed on the bottle. Stop taking prescription
medications that may increase the risk of bruising as instructed and in coordination with your
Over the Counter Medications- Avoid aspirin, Motrin and Ibuprofen for one week prior to your
treatment. Inform your provider if you are taking blood thinners or regularly take aspirin or
Supplements- Avoid fish oil, Gingko Biloba, Garlic, Flax Oil, Cod Liver Oil, Vitamin A, Vitamin E,
or any other supplements one week before treatment.
Alcohol- Avoid alcohol for two days prior to treatment.
Accutane- Inform your provider if you have taken Accutane (oral acne medication) in the past
Treatment Area- Please arrive with clean skin. No lotion, powder oils or other products on
treatment area.
Take prescription medications- Take prescribed medications as directed. Transportation
arrangements – You will be able to drive yourself home from your procedure and will not need to
secure another form of transportation; however, if you take any prescription based medications
that can affect your ability to drive we recommend you bring someone with you to your
appointment to safety drive you home.
You may experience temporary erythema (redness) and edema (swelling), mild bleeding, tissue
retraction, as well as heat and tightening sensations for up to a few hours after the treatment.
Treatment Area- Wash your skin with a gentle cleanser twice a day and pat dry (do not scrub).
You may notice light spotting, mild burning, itching, swelling or mild cramping for a few days. Do
not have intercourse for 1 week. Do not insert tampons or anything else into the vagina for 1
week. Do not use a douche, cleanser, suppositories, or any other products in the vagina for 1
No Jacuzzis, tub baths, or swimming for 1 week.
No tanning beds or self-tanning cream for 1 week.
No heavy exercise for 1 week.
At-Home Care- Apply hydrocortisone cream as needed for itching. Apply antibiotic ointment as
needed for any sores or irritated areas. You may apply an ice pack as needed for discomfort (no
more than 10 minutes per hour with cotton barrier). Hydration and comfort-Keep yourself well
hydrated. You may take Tylenol for discomfort.
Report any pain, chills, fever or unusual discharge immediately to Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics
We recommend re-treatment every 4 weeks, with a total of 3 treatments in a row. After a series
has been completed, treat 1-2 times per year or as needed.
Having no treatment is an alternative to Morpheus 8V vaginal treatment. Procedures based upon
other devices are also alternatives. There may be surgical options for your concerns. Pelvic floor
exercises may be an alternative option and are recommended in combination with this
treatment. V TONE electro muscular stimulation is also recommended to have a synergistic
affect and aid in the treatment of urge, stress, and mixed urinary incontinence. Our V Tone
device is also FDA cleared for urinary incontinence and pelvic floor therapy.
The O Shot is a potentially synergistic treatment for the Morpheus 8V vaginal rejuvenation

Consent Forms

You have been given information about your condition and the recommended procedure(s) to
be used. This consent form is designed to provide a electronic and written confirmation of such
discussions by recording some of the more significant medical information given to you. It is
intended to make you better informed so that you may give or withhold your consent to the
proposed procedure(s).
Heather Merlo, APRN, FNP-C, has explained to me that the condition(s) in my case discussed
during our initial consultation, and any consultation thereafter, would benefit from treatments
offered at Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics and offered a treatment modality and ‘or intervention. I have
been provided ample time to ask any questions regarding to the procedure and thereafter.
Risks/Benefits of Proposed Procedure(s):
Just as there may be benefits to the procedure(s) proposed, I also understand that interventions
and medical procedures involve risks. These risks include the following but not limited to allergic
reaction, bleeding, blood clots, infections, paralysis, vascular compromise and or occlusion,
burns, discolorations, granulomas, adverse side effects of drugs, blindness, and in the most rare
and unfortunate event of even loss of bodily function or life.
I understand that the medical clinic is recorded for safety and security purposes and can be
used for any means to protect all provider and Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics LLC
I understand that I have been instructed to activate my treatment portal and there I can find my
client paperwork, consents, and pre and post instructions as well via the website. I understand
that at any time I am unsure of the treatment process, pre and post treatment instructions, risk,
benefits, or any other concern that I have been provider a means to reach the clinic for
additional guidance.
I understand that if I do not disclose all of my medical history and physical which includes
previous and current treatment interventions , including any changes after I sign this consent,
that it can lead to a adverse effect or event.
I also realize that there are particular risks associated with the procedure(s) proposed for me
and that these risks include, but are not limited to, those enumerated in the addendum.
Complications; Unforeseen Conditions; Results: I am aware that in the practice of medicine,
other unexpected risks or complications not discussed may occur. I also understand that during
the course of the proposed procedure(s) unforeseen conditions may be revealed requiring the
performance of additional procedures, and I authorize such procedures to be performed. I
further acknowledge that no guarantees or promises have been made to me concerning the
results of any procedure or treatment.
Acknowledgments: The available alternatives, the potential benefits and risks of the proposed
procedure(s), and the likely result without such treatment, have been explained to me. I
understand what has been discussed with me as well as the contents of this consent form, and
have been given the opportunity to ask questions and have received satisfactory answers. I
have been made aware of all consents and pre and post treatment instructions to optimize the
procedure are made available to me via the website and the portal.
Consent to Procedure(s) and Treatment: Having read this form and talked with the provider, my
signature below acknowledges that: I voluntarily give my authorization and consent to the
performance of the procedures agreed upon and The following consent is general consent for
treatment as a client at Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics and includes verbal consent to any and all
procedures, treatments, interventions, preformed while remaining a client at Sei Tu Bella
I take full liability and responsibility for any and all risks, undesired outcomes, or adverse events
associated with the procedure and will not hold the providers or Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics LLC for
any unfavorable outcome or adverse event. I release Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics LLC, owners, and
medical staff from liability associated with the procedure. This consent form is freely and
voluntarily executed and shall be binding upon my spouse, relatives, legal representatives,
heirs, administrators, successors and
assigns .
I relieve Heather Merlo, APRN, FNP-C
Medical Director Dr. Fernando Jara
Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics LLC, from all legal action pertaining to this treatment.

You have been given information about your condition and the recommended procedure(s) to
be used. This consent form is designed to provide a electronic and written confirmation of such
discussions by recording some of the more significant medical information given to you. It is
intended to make you better informed so that you may give or withhold your consent to the
proposed procedure(s).
Heather Merlo, APRN, FNP-C, has explained to me that the condition(s) in my case discussed
during our initial consultation, and any consultation thereafter, would benefit from treatments
offered at Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics and offered a treatment modality and ‘or intervention. I have
been provided ample time to ask any questions regarding to the procedure and thereafter.
Risks/Benefits of Proposed Procedure(s):
Just as there may be benefits to the procedure(s) proposed, I also understand that interventions
and medical procedures involve risks. These risks include the following but not limited to allergic
reaction, bleeding, blood clots, infections, paralysis, vascular compromise and or occlusion,
burns, discolorations, granulomas, adverse side effects of drugs, blindness, and in the most rare
and unfortunate event of even loss of bodily function or life.
I understand that the medical clinic is recorded for safety and security purposes and can be
used for any means to protect all provider and Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics LLC
I understand that I have been instructed to activate my treatment portal and there I can find my
client paperwork, consents, and pre and post instructions as well via the website. I understand
that at any time I am unsure of the treatment process, pre and post treatment instructions, risk,
benefits, or any other concern that I have been provider a means to reach the clinic for
additional guidance.
I understand that if I do not disclose all of my medical history and physical which includes
previous and current treatment interventions , including any changes after I sign this consent,
that it can lead to a adverse effect or event.
I also realize that there are particular risks associated with the procedure(s) proposed for me
and that these risks include, but are not limited to, those enumerated in the addendum.
Complications; Unforeseen Conditions; Results: I am aware that in the practice of medicine,
other unexpected risks or complications not discussed may occur. I also understand that during
the course of the proposed procedure(s) unforeseen conditions may be revealed requiring the
performance of additional procedures, and I authorize such procedures to be performed. I
further acknowledge that no guarantees or promises have been made to me concerning the
results of any procedure or treatment.
Acknowledgments: The available alternatives, the potential benefits and risks of the proposed
procedure(s), and the likely result without such treatment, have been explained to me. I
understand what has been discussed with me as well as the contents of this consent form, and
have been given the opportunity to ask questions and have received satisfactory answers. I
have been made aware of all consents and pre and post treatment instructions to optimize the
procedure are made available to me via the website and the portal.
Consent to Procedure(s) and Treatment: Having read this form and talked with the provider, my
signature below acknowledges that: I voluntarily give my authorization and consent to the
performance of the procedures agreed upon and The following consent is general consent for
treatment as a client at Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics and includes verbal consent to any and all
procedures, treatments, interventions, preformed while remaining a client at Sei Tu Bella
I take full liability and responsibility for any and all risks, undesired outcomes, or adverse events
associated with the procedure and will not hold the providers or Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics LLC for
any unfavorable outcome or adverse event. I release Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics LLC, owners, and
medical staff from liability associated with the procedure. This consent form is freely and
voluntarily executed and shall be binding upon my spouse, relatives, legal representatives,
heirs, administrators, successors and
assigns .
I relieve Heather Merlo, APRN, FNP-C
Medical Director Dr. Fernando Jara
Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics LLC, from all legal action pertaining to this treatment.

Dermaplaning Consent Form
Please initial each line next to each statement prior to treatment
_______ I understand that Dermaplaning is the process of removing superficial layers of dead
skin cells and vellus hair on the skin’s surface by the use of a sterile blade. _______ I
understand that there may be unforeseen risks with Dermaplaning such as nicking, scraping or
abrading the skin with the blade.
_______ I understand that possible side effects of the treatment area can include mild redness
of the skin, irritation and dryness.
_______ I understand that if a chemical peel is part of this treatment, that the sensation and
penetration of the peel will be enhanced. This may cause minor skin irritation, mild discomfort,
and tenderness, lightening or darkening of the skin, peeling and activation of cold sores.
_______ I understand the results of this treatment may vary due to conditions such as age,
condition of skin, sun damage, climate, etc.
_______ I understand that in order to see significant results these treatments need to be done
in a series and in combination with using active ingredient skin care products.
_______ I understand that direct sun exposure, including tanning beds, is not recommended
while undergoing treatment and the use of a daily sun block protection is mandatory.
_______ I understand that any facial injections should be avoided 10 days before this treatment.
_______ I am not using Retin A®, or other retinol derivatives, products containing Alpha
Hydroxy Acids (AHA) or Beta Hydroxy Acids (BHA) and have been off these products at least 3
days prior to treatment.
_______ I will call my practitioner if I have any questions or concerns about my treatment.
_______ I have been advised not to exercise after my treatment.
I agree to have this treatment performed on me. I further agree to follow all post-care
instructions. Prior to receiving any treatment, I have been candid in revealing any condition that
may have a bearing on this procedure. I am over 18 years of age.
I understand that the treatment may involve risks of complication or injury from both known and
unknown causes, and I freely assume those risks. Prior to
receiving treatment, I have been candid in revealing any condition that may have a bearing on
this procedure.
I consent and authorize Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics , LLC, and it’s affiliates to perform the procedure
listed on me. I certify that I have read this entire informed consent and I understand and agree
to the information provided in the form. My questions regarding the procedure have been
answered satisfactorily. I hereby release Heather Merlo, APRN, FNP-C, Medical Director Dr.
Fernando Jara, Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics LLC from all liabilities associated with this procedure.
This consent is valid for all of my treatments in the future as well.

This is an informed consent document which has been prepared to help inform you concerning
Hyaluronic Acid Filler such as Restylane®, Juvaderm, Versa, & Belotero. (Non-Animal Stabilized
Hyaluronic Acid) tissue filler injection therapy, its risks, and alternative treatments. As well as
Radiesse , a sterile, latex-free, non-pyrogenic, semi- solid, cohesive subdermal, injectable
implant, whose principal component is synthetic calcium hydroxylapatite, a biocompatible
material with over 20 years of use in medicine, approved for use in hands, cheeks, and pre-jowl
sulcus. Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance that is found within all mammals. It is
a material that is contained in various soft tissues. Hyaluronic acid can be synthetically
produced from a process of bacterial fermentation, chemically stabilized, and purified for use as
an injectable soft tissue filler (non-animal, stabilized hyaluronic acid). The hyaluronic acid in
Dermal-Fillers is biocompatible and is a totally non-animal product; there is little risk of animalbased disease transmission or allergic reaction. Dermal-fillers can be performed in areas
involving the face, eyebrows, temples, under eyes, nose, jaw, chin, jowls, cheeks, hands,
forehead, and lips, just to name a few and some areas are considered Off-Label use, not FDA
approved areas. Dermal-Filler injections contain local anesthetic in the syringe to diminish
discomfort. Continuing treatments are necessary in order to maintain the effect of Fillers over
time, they do not stop the aging process. Once injected, dermal-fillers will be slowly absorbed by
the body. The length of effect for fillers injections is variable and depends on the person.
Alternative forms of management include not treating the skin wrinkles or soft tissue
depressions by any means. Improvement of skin wrinkles and soft tissue depressions may be
accomplished by other treatments: laser treatments, chemical skin-peels, other skin procedures,
or alternative types of tissue fillers.
An individual’s choice to undergo this procedure is based on the comparison of the risk to
potential benefit.
Normal Occurrences during Tissue Filler Injections include:
Bleeding and Swelling – Swelling (edema) is a normal occurrence following the injections. It
decreases after a few days or weeks. Erythema (Skin Redness) – Erythema in the skin occurs
after injections. It can be present for a few days after the procedure. Needle Marks – Visible
needle marks from the injections occur normally and resolve in a few days.
Acne-Like Skin Eruptions – skin eruptions can occur following the injection of tissue fillers that
generally resolve within a few days. Skin Lumpiness – Lumpiness can be treated with
hyaluronidase to smooth it out if necessary.
Visible Tissue Filler Material – This can be resolved with hyaluronidase
Asymmetry – It may not be possible to achieve or maintain exact symmetry with tissue filer
Pain – Discomfort associated with injections is normal and usually of short duration. RISKS OF
Damage to Deeper Structures – Deeper structures such as nerves and blood vessels may be
damaged during the course of injection. Injury to deeper structures may be temporary or
Infection – unusual, herpes outbreaks can be triggered
Vascular compression and vascular occlusion- if this were to occur immediately or delayed ,the
appropriate protocol would be initiated for reversal. Therefore, it is imperative you follow the
post instructions template and what to look for such as pain, skin color changes ext. if you
notice or feel anything that makes you concerned you are to contact the clinic immediately or
seek emergency evaluation.
Skin Necrosis – It is very unusual to experience death of skin and deeper soft tissues after
dermal-filler injections. Skin necrosis can produce unacceptable scarring. Should this
complication occur, additional treatments, or surgery may be necessary.
Allergic Reactions and Hypersensitivity
Scarring – Dermal-fillers maybe susceptible to keloid formation or hypertrophic scarring.
Granulomas – Painful masses in the skin and deeper tissues after a dermal-filler injection are
extremely rare. Should these occur, additional treatments including surgery may be necessary.
Antibodies to Fillers – Presence of antibodies to hyaluronic acid tissue fillers may reduce the
effectiveness of this material or produce a reaction in subsequent injections. The health
significance of antibodies to hyaluronic acid tissue fillers is unknown. Accidental Intra-Arterial
Injection – It is extremely rare and unpredictable
Under /Over Correction – The amount of correction may be inadequate or excessive. It may not
be possible to control the process of injection of tissue fillers due to factors attributable to each
patient’s situation. If under correction occurs, you may be advised to consider additional
injections of tissue filler materials. If over correction occurs, the use of hyaluronidase can
decrease the volume. Migration of Dermal-Fillers – Dermal- fillers may migrate from its original
injection site and produce visible fullness in adjacent tissue or other unintended effects.
Drug and Local Anesthetic Reactions – There is the possibility that a systemic reaction could
occur from the local anesthetic when tissue filler injections are performed. This would include
the possibility of light-headedness, numbness, and, allergic reaction, and fainting. Medical
treatment of these conditions may be necessary.
Unsatisfactory Result – Dermal-filler injections alone may not produce an outcome that meets
your expectations for improvement in wrinkles or soft tissue depressions. There is the possibility
of a poor or inadequate response from filler injection(s).
Pregnancy and Nursing Mothers – Animal reproduction studies have not been performed to
determine if dermal-filler could produce fetal harm. It is not known if Restylane®, Juvaderm,
Versa, or Beloter or its breakdown products can be excreted in human milk. It is not
recommended that pregnant women or nursing mothers receive dermal-filler treatments.
Drug Interactions – It is not known if fillers reacts with other drugs within the body. Label FDA
There are many devices, medications and injectable fillers that are approved for specific use by
the FDA, but some proposed use is “Off-Label”, that is not specifically approved by the FDA. It
is important that you understand this proposed use is not experimental and your physician
believes it to be safe and effective.
I understand and agree that all services rendered to me are charged to me directly and that I am
personally responsible for payment. The fees charged for this procedure do not include any
potential future costs for additional procedures that you elect to have or require in order to
revise, optimize, or complete your outcome.
Additional costs may occur should complications develop from the injections and will also be
your responsibility. In signing the consent for this procedure, you acknowledge that you have
been informed about its risk and consequences and accept responsibility for the clinical
decisions that were made along with the financial costs of all future treatments.
I understand and unconditionally and irrevocably accept this & that all costs are NONREFUNDABLE
Informed consent documents should not be considered all-inclusive in defining other methods of
care and risks encountered.
I hereby authorize Natural Injections and it’s trained licensed designees to perform the injection
of hyaluronic acid dermal fillers such as Radiesse, RHA, Juvaderm, Resylane, Versa, or
1. I have received and read the INFORMED CONSENT and PRE & POST PROCEDURE
INSTRUCTIONS that were explained to me & I agree to follow all instructions, to follow up as
directed, and to notify the office if any problems or questions arise.
2. I recognize that during the course of the procedure and medical treatment or anesthesia,
unforeseen conditions may necessitate different procedures than those above. I therefore
authorize the above mentioned provider to perform such other procedures that are in the
exercise of his or her professional judgment necessary and desirable.
3. I consent to the administration of such anesthetics considered necessary or advisable. I
understand that all forms of anesthesia involve risk and the possibility of complications, injury,
and sometimes death.
4. The nature and purpose of the treatment have been explained to me. I understand what my
provider can and cannot do, and I understand there are no warranties or guarantees implied or
specific about my outcome. I have had the opportunity to explain my goals and understand
which desired outcomes are realistic and which are not. I have read and understand this
agreement. All of my questions have been answered to my satisfaction and I consent to the
terms of this agreement. Alternative methods of treatment and their risks and benefits have
been explained to me.
5. I understand that I have the right to refuse treatment. By signing this form, I elect to proceed
with treatment.
6. I consent to be photographed or televised before, during, and after the procedure(s) to be
performed, including appropriate portions of my body, for medical, scientific or educational
portions of my body, for medical, scientific or educational purposes, provided my identity is not
revealed by the pictures.
7. For purposes of advancing medical education, I consent to the admittance of observers to the
treatment room.
I take full liability and responsibility for any and all risks, undesired outcomes, or adverse events
associated with the injections and will not hold the providers liable for any unfavorable outcome
or adverse event. I release Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics LLC, owners, and medical staff from liability
associated with the procedure. This consent form is freely and voluntarily executed and shall be
binding upon my spouse, relatives, legal representatives, heirs, administrators, successors and
assigns . I relieve Heather Merlo, APRN, FNP-C, Medical Director Dr. Fernando Jara and Sei Tu
Bella Aesthetics LLC, from all legal action pertaining to this treatment.

Informed Consent for B Vitamin and Lipotropic Injection Therapy
This document is intended to serve as confirmation of informed consent for injection therapy at
Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics
I have informed Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics of any known allergies to drugs or other substances, or
of any past reactions to injections. I have informed the providers of all my medical conditions
and current medications. I understand that I have the right to be informed of the procedure, any
feasible alternative options, and the risks and benefits. Except in emergencies, procedures are
not performed until I have had an opportunity to receive such information and to give my
informed consent.
I understand that:
2 3 •
• • 1 •
I am aware that other unforeseeable complications could occur. I do not expect Sei Tu Bella
Aesthetics to anticipate and or explain all risk and possible complications. I rely on the
technician to exercise judgement during the course of treatment with regard to any procedure. I
understand the risks and benefits of the procedure and have had the opportunity to have all of
my questions answered. I understand that I have the right to consent to or refuse any proposed
treatment at any time prior to its performance. When purchasing Vitamin B or Lipotropic
Injections from Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics, you agree to the following:
• I have given my consent to injection therapy with any different or further procedures which, Sei
Tu Bella Aesthetics, may be indicated.
The procedure involves inserting a needle into various areas of the body and injecting of
vitamins and other homeopathic remedies.
Risks of injection therapies include but are not limited to:
Occasionally to commonly
Discomfort, severe pain, bruising, inflammation, injury and numbness at the site of injection.
Fatigue, dizziness, or light-head feeling after the injections.
Fainting or loss of consciousness during the procedure. Extremely rare:
Severe allergic reaction, anaphylaxis, infection.
I understand that some of the treatment injection may include of a combination of the
• I understand the information provided on this form and agree to the foregoing.
• The procedure(s) set forth above has been adequately explained to me
• I have received all the information and explanation I desire concerning the
• I authorize and consent to the performance of the procedure(s).have been
provided a copy of Notice of Privacy Practices at Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics
I understand that the treatment may involve risks of complication or injury from both known and
unknown causes, and I freely assume those risks. Prior to receiving treatment, I have been
candid in revealing any condition that may have a bearing on this procedure.
I consent and authorize Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics , LLC, and it’s affiliates to perform the procedure
listed on me. I certify that I have read this entire informed consent and I understand and agree
to the information provided in the form. My questions regarding the procedure have been
answered satisfactorily. I hereby release Heather Merlo, APRN, FNP-C, Medical Director Dr.
Fernando Jara, Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics LLC from all liabilities associated with this procedure.
This consent is valid for all of my
treatments in the future as well.

Pre-treatment Instructions
● Topical retinoid therapy should be discontinued 2-4 days prior to treatment
● Avoid any prolonged exposure to the sun, if you must be in the sun use a zinc oxide
sunscreen of at least SPF 30.
● Avoid taking anticoagulants (aspirin, mobic, ibuprofen, naproxen) for one week if medical
condition allows.
● Arrive to your appointment with clean skin. There should be no lotion, makeup, perfume,
powder, self tanner, bath or shower oil present on the skin to be treated. You will be given the
opportunity to remove your make-up in the event this was not possible.
What to Expect
• Immediately after your treatment most patients will experience a clinical
endpoint of erythema (redness) for 1-3 days, however for more aggressive treatments this may
last longer. Slight to moderate edema (swelling) and mild to moderate sunburn sensation are
also common post treatment and may last 1-3 days. Skin may crust and peel for 2-7 days
depending on the treatment setting.
• Skin may feel warm and tighter than usual
• Skin may crust and peel for 3-7 days after treatment
• Redness and swelling may last for 3-4 days
• On more aggressive settings and deeper penetration (4mm-8mm) the healing
time maybe longer than previously discussed.
• You may have a acne breakout after the treatment, this is normal and often
expected as the procedure can trigger a flare.

Post-treatment Instructions
• You may search the internet and read multiple different ways to care for your skin post
Morpheus. The following is what we have found in our practice to have the greatest impact and it
is what we recommend for you to achieve optimal results.
• You can wash your face in the evening and morning immediately following your procedure and
continue thereafter.
• SPF can be applied after 24 hours. We recommend our Skinbetter Science tinted SPF as it is
a flawless SPF that closely resembles a makeup.
• Make-up is to be avoided for at least 24 hours however 72 hours is optimal.
• If your Morpheus treatment came with a skincare package, you can begin using
the products at the 72 hour mark unless otherwise indicated.
• Retinoids may be used 5-7 days after treatment.
• There are no restrictions on bathing except to treat the skin gently, avoid
scrubbing or trauma to the treated areas, as if you had a sunburn.
• Avoid hot tubes, spas, lakes ext until; all redness has resolved.
• Avoid sun exposure to reduce the chance of hyperpigmentation (darker
You may not notice immediate results, in fact sometimes your skin may appear to get worse
before it repairs and regenerates.This is normal and a expected outcome. You will notice results
as your skin starts to heal and repair as well as long term improvements in your skin as the
weeks pass. The time for skin cell turnover is 28 days so most people will begin to see
increased results after this time. This is also the time it takes to rebuild collagen and elastin.
Results will take time to see but will be worth the wait.You will continue to build new collagen
and elastic for up to 6 months.

Microneedling with SkinPen ® Patient Consent Form
DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCEDURE Microneedling procedures allow for controlled induction
of the skin’s self-repair mechanism by creating micro“injuries” in the skin, which triggers new
collagen synthesis. The result is smoother, younger- looking skin.
Microneedling procedures are performed in a safe and precise manner with the use of the
sterile needle head. The procedure is normally completed within 30–60 minutes, depending on
the required procedure and anatomical site.
SIDE EFFECTS After the procedure, the skin will be red and flushed in appearance, similar to a
moderate sunburn. You may also experience skin tightness and mild sensitivity to touch on
certain areas. This will diminish significantly within a few hours following the procedure. Within
the next 24-48 hours, the skin will have returned to normal. After three days, there is rarely any
evidence that the procedure has taken place.
CONTRAINDICATIONS Microneedling is contraindicated for patients with: keloid scars,
scleroderma, collagen vascular diseases or cardiac abnormalities, a hemorrhagic disorder or
hemostatic dysfunction, active bacterial or fungal infection. PRECAUTIONS AND WARNINGS
Microneedling has not been evaluated in the following patient populations, and as such,
precautions should be taken when determining whether the SkinPen procedure is adequate for
the patient: scars and stretch marks less than one year old; women who are pregnant or
nursing; keloid scars; patients with history of eczema, psoriasis and other chronic conditions;
patients with history of actinic (solar) keratosis; patients with history of herpes simplex
infections; diabetics or patients with wound- healing deficiencies; patients on
immunosuppressive therapy; and skin with presence of raised moles or warts on targeted area.
PATIENT CONSENT I understand that results will vary among individuals. I understand that
although I may see a change after my first procedure, I may require a series of sessions to
obtain my desired outcome.
The procedure and side effects have been explained to me including alternative methods, as
have the advantages and disadvantages.
I am advised that though good results are expected, the possibility and nature of complications
cannot be accurately anticipated, therefore, there can be no guarantee as expressed or implied
either as to the success or other result of the procedure. I am aware that microneedling
procedure is not permanent and natural degradation may occur over time.
I state that I have read (or it has been read to me) and I understand this consent and I
understand the information contained in it.
I have had the opportunity to ask any questions about the procedure including risks or
alternatives and acknowledge that all my questions about the procedure have been answered in
a satisfactory manner.
I take full liability and responsibility for any and all risks, undesired outcomes, or adverse events
associated with the injections and will not hold the providers or liable for any unfavorable
outcome or adverse event. I release Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics LLC, owners, and medical staff
from liability associated with the procedure. This consent form is freely and voluntarily executed
and shall be binding upon my spouse, relatives, legal representatives, heirs, administrators,
successors and assigns . I relieve Heather Merlo, APRN, FNP-C, Medical Director Dr. Fernando
Jara and Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics LLC, from all legal action pertaining to this treatment.

I have been given the opportunity to ask questions and my questions have been answered to
my satisfaction. I also state that I read and write in English. I hereby consent to the Botulinum
Toxin Injection Treatment and hereby authorize the provider to perform the Botulinum Toxin
Injection Treatment. I understand that I will be injected with Botulinum A Toxin in the area of the
facial muscles to paralyze these muscles temporarily or in the forehead or crowâ€TMs feet
around the lateral area of the eyes. I understand my treatment may include both FDA approved
locations as well as commonly performed cosmetically treated areas based on desired effects.
Botulinum A Toxin injection has been FDA approved for use in the cosmetic treatment for
glabellar frown lines – the wrinkles between the eyebrows and crowâ€TMs feet. I understand
there are other risks for the non-FDA approved uses of Botulinum A Toxin. Injection of Botulinum
A Toxin into the small muscles between the brows causes those specific muscles to halt their
function (be paralyzed), thereby improving the appearance of the wrinkles. I understand the goal
is to decrease the wrinkles in the treated area. This paralysis is temporary, and typically lasts
three to four months although longevity varies amongst individuals. It has been explained to me
that other alternatives are available. The possible side effects of Botulinum A Toxin include but
are not limited to: Local numbness, rash, pain at the injection site, flu like symptoms, headache
Infection: Infections can occur which in most cases are easily treatable but in rare cases a
permanent scarring in the area can occur. Bruising may occur and may last several weeks Most
people have lightly swollen pinkish bumps at injection sites for a couple of hours or even several
days. Although many people with chronic headaches or migraines often get relief from
Botulinum A Toxin, a small percent of patients get headaches following treatment with Botulinum
A Toxin, most commonly on the first 1-7 days. In a very small percentage of patients these
headaches can persist for several days or weeks. Respiratory problems such as bronchitis or
sinusitis, nausea, dizziness, and tightness or irritation of the skin. While local weakness of the
injected muscles is representative of the expected
pharmacological action of Botulinum A Toxin, weakness of adjacent muscles may occur as a
result of the spread of the toxin. Treatments: I understand more than one injection may be
needed to achieve a satisfactory result. Another risk when injecting Botulinum A Toxin around
the eyes included corneal exposure because people may not be able to blink the eyelids as
often as they should to protect the eye. This inability to protect the eye has been associated with
damage to the eye as impaired vision, or double vision, which is usually temporary. This
reduced blinking has been associated with corneal ulcerations. There are medications that can
help lift the eyelid, however, if the drooping is too great the eye drops are not that effective.
These side effects can last for several weeks or longer. This occurs in 2-5 percent of patients. I
will follow all aftercare instructions as it is crucial I do so for healing. As Botulinum A Toxin
injection is not an exact science and facial anatomy and symmetry are highly variable from
patient to patient, there might be an uneven appearance of the face with some muscles more
affected by the Botulinum A Toxin than others. In most cases this uneven appearance can
sometimes be corrected by injecting Botulinum A Toxin in the same or nearby muscles. However
in some cases this uneven appearance can persist for several weeks or months until the full
effects of the product have subsided. This list is not meant to be inclusive of all possible risks
associated with Botulinum A Toxin as there are both known and unknown side effects
associated with any medication or procedure. Botulinum A Toxin should not be administered to a
pregnant or nursing woman. Additionally, the number of units injected is an estimate of the
amount of Botulinum A Toxin required to paralyze the muscles. I understand there is no
guarantee of results of any treatment. As with all injectable treatments, there is a risk of
infection, vessel occlusion, granulomas, abscess formation and hypersensitive reaction.
Approved Uses BOTOX® Cosmetic is a prescription medicine that is injected into muscles and
used to temporarily improve the look of both moderate to severe crowâ€TMs feet lines and
frown lines between the eyebrows in adults. IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION BOTOX®
Cosmetic may cause serious side effects that can be life threatening. Get medical help right
away if you have any of these problems any time (hours to weeks) after injection of BOTOX®
Cosmetic: Problems swallowing, speaking, or breathing, due to weakening of associated
muscles, can be severe and result in loss of life. You are at the highest risk if these problems
are pre-existing before injection. Swallowing problems may last for several months Spread of
toxin effects. The effect of botulinum toxin may affect areas away from the injection site and
cause serious symptoms including: loss of strength and Approved Uses BOTOX® Cosmetic is
a prescription medicine that is injected into muscles and used to temporarily improve the look of
both moderate to severe crowâ€TMs feet lines and frown lines between the eyebrows in adults.
IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION BOTOX® Cosmetic may cause serious side effects
that can be life threatening. Get medical help right away if you have any of these problems any
time (hours to weeks) after injection of BOTOX® Cosmetic: Problems swallowing, speaking, or
breathing, due to weakening of associated muscles, can be severe and result in loss of life. You
are at the highest risk if these problems are pre-existing before injection. Swallowing problems
may last for several months Spread of toxin effects. The effect of botulinum toxin may affect
areas away from the injection site and cause serious symptoms including: loss of strength and
all-over muscle weakness, double vision, blurred vision and drooping eyelids, hoarseness or
change or loss of voice, trouble saying words clearly, loss of bladder control, trouble breathing,
trouble swallowing BOTOX® Cosmetic dosing units are not the same as, or comparable to,
any other botulinum toxin product. There has not been a confirmed serious case of spread of
toxin effect when BOTOX® Cosmetic has been used at the recommended dose to treat frown
lines, crowâ€TMs feet lines, or both at the same time. BOTOX® Cosmetic may cause loss of
strength or general muscle weakness, vision problems, or dizziness within hours to weeks of
taking BOTOX® Cosmetic. If this happens, do not drive a car, operate machinery, or do other
dangerous activities. Serious and/or immediate allergic reactions have been reported. They
include: itching, rash, red itchy welts, wheezing, asthma symptoms, or dizziness or feeling faint.
Get medical help right away if you are wheezing or have asthma symptoms, or if you become
dizzy or faint. Do not take BOTOX® Cosmetic if you: are allergic to any of the ingredients in
BOTOX® Cosmetic (see Medication Guide for ingredients); had an allergic reaction to any
other botulinum toxin product such as Myobloc® (rimabotulinumtoxinB), Dysport®
(abobotulinumtoxinA), or Xeomin® (incobotulinumtoxinA); have a skin infection at the planned
injection site. Tell your doctor about all your muscle or nerve conditions, such as ALS or Lou
Gehrigâ€TMs disease, myasthenia gravis, or Lambert-Eaton syndrome, as you may be at
increased risk of serious side effects including difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing from
typical doses of BOTOX® Cosmetic. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions,
including: plans to have surgery; had surgery on your face; weakness of forehead muscles:
trouble raising your eyebrows; drooping eyelids; any other abnormal facial change; are pregnant
or plan to become pregnant (it is not known if BOTOX® Cosmetic can harm your unborn
baby); are breast-feeding or plan to (it is not known if BOTOX® Cosmetic passes into breast
milk). Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, including prescription and
nonprescription medicines, vitamins, and herbal products. Using BOTOX® Cosmetic with
certain other medicines may cause serious side effects. Do not start any new medicines until
you have told your doctor that you have received BOTOX® Cosmetic in the past. Tell your
doctor if you have received any other botulinum toxin product in the last 4 months; have
received injections of botulinum toxin such as Myobloc®, Dysport®, or Xeomin® in the past
(tell your doctor exactly which product you received); have recently received an antibiotic by
injection; take muscle relaxants; take an allergy or cold medicine; take a sleep medicine; take
aspirin-like products or blood thinners. Other side effects of BOTOX® Cosmetic include:
discomfort or pain at the injection site; headache; and eye problems: double vision, blurred
vision, drooping eyelids, and swelling of your eyelids.
I take full liability and responsibility for any and all risks, undesired outcomes, or adverse events
associated with the injections and will not hold the providers or liable for any unfavorable
outcome or adverse event. I release Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics LLC, owners, and medical staff
from liability associated with the procedure. This consent form is freely and voluntarily executed
and shall be binding upon my spouse, relatives, legal representatives, heirs, administrators,
successors and assigns . I relieve Heather Merlo, FNP-C, APRN, Medical Director Dr.
Fernando Jara and Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics LLC, from all legal action pertaining to this

I understand that my Provider has elected to utilize telehealth and online communication
services to conduct virtual examinations and manage my care plan. This may include 1)
electronic consents and questionnaires delivered to my secure
Patient Portal and required to be completed prior to my appointment 2) email communications
regarding my appointment and login information, and 4) participating in my exam via two-way,
live-streamed, video consultations for new and existing patients via a HIPAA-compliant portal.
Authorization to Evaluate Patient via Telehealth
I hereby consent to communicate by cell, e-mail, and online with my Provider so as to arrange
and conduct virtual consultations, telemedicine/telehealth, and any other purposes deemed by
my provider to be appropriate while I am receiving medical and aesthetic services.
As announced by the US Department of Health & Human Services (“HHS”) on March 17, 2020,
I understand my Provider is now authorized to use non-public facing audio and/or video
communication technology to provide telehealth, whether or not related to COVID-19, on an
acceptable non-public facing platform. I accept that even authorized non-public facing third-party
applications potentially introduce privacy risks, but my provider will enable all available
encryption and privacy modes when using these applications.
Right to Withdraw Consent
I understand that I have the right to revoke this authorization in writing at any time, but if I do so
it will have no effect on any actions taken prior to my revocation. Unless and until I revoke this
authorization, it will exist in perpetuity from the date written below. I understand that I may refuse
to sign this authorization and such refusal will have no effect on the medical treatment I receive
from my Provider.
I release and discharge my Provider, the telehealth software portal and all parties acting under
my Provider’s license and authority from any telehealth medical privacy claims I might otherwise
have had prior to HHS’s March 17, 2020 notification. I certify that I have read this Authorization
and Release and fully understand its terms.
I have read the above Authorization & Release and consent to the use of Telehealth services.

I understand that my Provider has elected to utilize telehealth and online communication
services to conduct virtual examinations and manage my care plan. This may include 1)
electronic consents and questionnaires delivered to my secure
Patient Portal and required to be completed prior to my appointment 2) email communications
regarding my appointment and login information, and 4) participating in my exam via two-way,
live-streamed, video consultations for new and existing patients via a HIPAA-compliant portal.
Authorization to Evaluate Patient via Telehealth
I hereby consent to communicate by cell, e-mail, and online with my Provider so as to arrange
and conduct virtual consultations, telemedicine/telehealth, and any other purposes deemed by
my provider to be appropriate while I am receiving medical and aesthetic services.
As announced by the US Department of Health & Human Services (“HHS”) on March 17, 2020,
I understand my Provider is now authorized to use non-public facing audio and/or video
communication technology to provide telehealth, whether or not related to COVID-19, on an
acceptable non-public facing platform. I accept that even authorized non-public facing third-party
applications potentially introduce privacy risks, but my provider will enable all available
encryption and privacy modes when using these applications.
Right to Withdraw Consent
I understand that I have the right to revoke this authorization in writing at any time, but if I do so
it will have no effect on any actions taken prior to my revocation. Unless and until I revoke this
authorization, it will exist in perpetuity from the date written below. I understand that I may refuse
to sign this authorization and such refusal will have no effect on the medical treatment I receive
from my Provider.
I release and discharge my Provider, the telehealth software portal and all parties acting under
my Provider’s license and authority from any telehealth medical privacy claims I might otherwise
have had prior to HHS’s March 17, 2020 notification. I certify that I have read this Authorization
and Release and fully understand its terms.
I have read the above Authorization & Release and consent to the use of Telehealth services.

Treatment Consent Form The SaltFacial®
I, consent to undergo The SaltFacial® treatment as described to me by my skincare
professional. It has been explained to me that The SaltFacial® treatment is a safe, 3- step
process comprised of Step (1): Sea Salt Resurfacing, Step (2): Aesthetic Ultrasound, and Step
(3): LED Phototherapy.
It has been explained to me and I understand that although results may be seen with as little as
one treatment, a series of 4 to 8 treatments may be recommended based on my skin care goals.
The SaltFacial® is considered a non-invasive treatment, meaning it does not break the skin
barrier. Because of this, complications are rare, however it has been explained that I may
experience some post-treatment redness, swelling, sloughing, and flaking of the treated area. I
understand this is a normal response that can last for as little as a few minutes or up to several
days following treatment. My skincare professional has explained the treatment expectations and
I am in full understanding of this.
For more aggressive treatments, post-treatment scabbing may occur. This more aggressive type
of treatment may be performed if my skincare professional has recommended it based off my
desired treatment goals. Aftercare instructions for this type of treatment have been explained to
me and are fully understood.
I acknowledge that I have provided my full medical history, including all medications and
supplements I’m currently on.
I have informed my skincare professional of any use of Accutane within the past 12 months.
I have been instructed to discontinue use of any product containing Retin-A, retinoids, retinols,
Glycolic Acid, or AHA, for 3 to 5 days PRE-treatment and 3 to 5 days POST-treatment. I
acknowledge that my skincare professional has answered all of my questions, and the treatment
has been explained to my satisfaction.
The SaltFacial®
It has been explained that photos will be taken before and after treatment to track my progress. I
understand these photos will remain the property of this office and will not be used for any other
purpose unless I agree to release them for use.
Photo Release
I agree to release my photos to my provider to use for promotional purposes, and for possible
submission to the manufacturer to use for promotional purposes. It has been explained that
even if the photos are chosen for use, my identity will be kept private and secure.
The SaltFacial®
I understand that the treatment may involve risks of complication or injury from both known and
unknown causes, and I freely assume those risks. Prior to receiving treatment, I have been
candid in revealing any condition that may have a bearing on this procedure.
I consent and authorize Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics , LLC, and it’s affiliates to perform the procedure
listed on me. I certify that I have read this entire informed consent and I understand and agree to
the information provided in the form. My questions regarding the procedure have been answered
satisfactorily. I hereby release Heather Merlo, APRN, FNP-C, Medical Director Dr. Fernando
Jara, Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics LLC from all liabilities associated with this procedure. This consent
is valid for all of my
treatments in the future as well.

Pronox anesthesia
Consent Form & Contraindications for Administration of Nitrous Oxide for Pain & Anxiety with
the PRO-NOX system during Aesthetic Procedures
I hereby authorize Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics and staff to provide me with Nitrous Oxide through the
PRO-NOX system for the purpose of pain and anxiety control during my procedure.
PRO-NOX is a self-administered (under the supervision of medically trained staff), quick onset,
fixed 50% nitrous and 50% oxygen pain management system with short duration of effect. It is
generally metabolized and “out of your system” (you are back to normal) within minutes of
discontinuing, and therefore you are able to regain complete mental and physical function
quickly and drive home.
The risks and benefits of inhaled nitrous oxide for pain and anxiety control have been explained
to me as have alternative forms of pain control options. Although no severe complications have
been reported with this device and type of analgesia, the risks could include headache,
euphoria, decreased mental and physical awareness and control, device malfunction and
potential overdose, failure of effect, and other unforeseen problems. We have seldom seen any
of these problems but are required to disclose them.
*If you have been diagnosed with a severe breathing condition, you should consult your doctor
before using Pro-Nox.
I understand that some possible side effects of nitrous oxide include: dizziness, nausea, lightheadedness, and unsteadiness. I understand that I should wait 10 minutes after the last use of
nitrous oxide before driving a car or operating any type of machinery.
I understand that using nitrous oxide may make me unsteady and that if need to get off the
procedure table, I will do so only with assistance.
I agree to hold the mouthpiece and inhale the nitrous oxide/oxygen gas mix without assistance
from others and only as needed through the procedure to maintain my comfort level.
I understand that nitrous oxide has been safely used throughout the world for pain and anxiety
management for many decades, and continues to be used worldwide today.
I also understand that the risks for nitrous oxide use are the same risks that exist for virtually all
other pain-relieving medications that I may choose to use during my procedure.
I understand that there are several contraindications for use of Nitrous Oxide through the PRONOX system. They are listed below.
Hypersensitivity to nitrous oxide mixtures ✨
✨ Artificial, traumatic or spontaneous pneumothorax
✨ Air embolism
✨ Middle ear occlusion, ear infection
✨ Eye Surgery with intra-ocular gas injection within
✨ Decompression sickness
✨ Severe abdominal distension secondary to intra-abdominal air / intestinal obstruction
✨ Inability of patient to follow directions
✨ Inability of patient to hold own delivery device (mouthpiece or mask)
I acknowledge that I do not have any of these conditions and consent to the use of Pro-Nox for
my procedure today and in the future.
I understand, agree to the above, and wish to use the PRO-NOX nitrous oxide system during my
procedure and consent to the self-administration of the gas provided to me by the medical
director and their medically trained staff members.
the last 6 weeks

I understand that the treatment may involve risks of complication or injury from both known and
unknown causes, and I freely assume those risks. Prior to receiving treatment, I have been
candid in revealing any condition that may have a bearing on this procedure.
I consent and authorize Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics , LLC, and it’s affiliates to perform the procedure
listed on me. I certify that I have read this entire informed consent and I understand and agree to
the information provided in the form. My questions regarding the procedure have been answered
satisfactorily. I hereby release Heather Merlo, APRN, FNP-C, Medical Director Dr. Fernando
Jara, Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics LLC from all liabilities associated with this procedure. This consent
is valid for all of my
treatments in the future as well.

PDO Threads
Patient Consent Form for MINT PDO procedure
The procedure:
MINT, a patently-molded PDO thread, will be used in a minimally invasive procedure to target
sagging jowls, nasolabial folds, marionette lines, unwanted mid-face wrinkles, sagging neckline,
undefined jawlines, etc. to pull up the targeted areas and achieve a desired look.
Despite the thread effectively lifting areas listed above, over time and as the patient ages,
wrinkles and sagging will recur.
For prevention of infection and precautionary measure, the patient will receive a prescription for
antibiotics to be taken as directed by the doctor.
Bleeding & Bruising
Like any other procedure, there is a possibility of bleeding and bruising, but it will subside after a
couple days and 1-2 weeks respectively.
Should an incision be made during the procedure, a scar may result, but it will typically be made
in the hair line to avoid showing (speak to your doctor if an incision will be made, typically no
incisions are made).
Due to threads being placed in the skin, there may be discomfort in the area for several days
after the procedure, but will lessen over time. Pain and discomfort can be managed by taking
ibuprofen (ex. Motrin, Advil, etc.).
Disorder of face movement
This is rare, but depending on the pulling within the SMAS (superficial musculoaponeurotic
system) layer, it can affect a branch of the facial nerve and can cause disorders in facial
movements, however this typically recovers over time.
Skin necrosis
This may occur if blood circulation is not sufficient.
Dimpling and bunching
Dimpling and bunching may occur due to the barbed threads being placed inside the skin,
however this can be massaged out by the provider.
Medication will be given on-site and explained: Cephalosporin antibiotics
Non-steroidal pain medicine (NSAID, like Motrin)
I have been fully informed by the provider/provider’s staff/MINT manufacturer staff regarding the
procedure, its possible side-effects, and post-op care, which are listed, but not limited to the
articles listed above. Should there be any questions regarding the procedure, I, the patient, am
responsible to ask questions during the consultation for any additional information that may not
be listed on this form. I relieve Heather Merlo, APRN, FNP-C, Medical Director Dr. Fernando
Jara and Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics LLC, from all legal action pertaining to this treatment.

TONE Informed Consent
PATIENT NAME _____________________________________________________________
TREATMENT SITES ___________________________________________________________
I DULY AUTHORIZE _____________________________ TO PERFORM TONE TREATMENT.
I understand that the device being used for muscle tone improvement of which I am consenting
to be a patient receiving TONE treatment.
I understand that clinical results may vary depending on individual factors, including but not
limited to medical history, skin type, patient compliance with pre- and post- treatment
instructions, and individual response to treatment.
I understand that there is a possibility of short-term effects such as reddening, mild burning,
pain, swelling, muscles spasm, and temporary discoloration of the skin, as well as the possibility
of rare side effects such as treatment area infection, scarring and permanent discoloration.
These effects have been fully explained to me _______ (patient’s initials).
I understand that treatment with this system involves a series of treatments and the fee structure
has been fully explained to me _______ (patient’s initials).
I certify that I have been fully informed of the nature and purpose of the procedure, expected
outcomes and possible complications, and I understand that no guarantee can be given as to
the final result obtained. I am fully aware that my condition is of cosmetic concern and that the
decision to proceed is based solely on my expressed desire to do so.
I confirm that I have informed the staff regarding any current or past medical condition, disease
or medication taken.
I consent to the taking of photographs and authorize their anonymous use for the purposes of
medical audit, education and promotion.
I agree to waive, release, discharge, and covenant not to sue Invasix, Inc. d/b/a InMode
(“InMode”) and its employees, agents, and representatives, from any liability, loss, cost, damage,
expense, claim or lawsuit whatsoever for any and all injury, loss, illness, harm, cost, expense, or
damage related to the treatment, including any negligent acts or
conduct by InMode and its agents, employees, and/or representatives (collectively, “Claims”).
I certify that I have been given the opportunity to ask questions and that I have read and fully
understand the contents of this consent form.
I understand that the treatment may involve risks of complication or injury from both known and
unknown causes, and I freely assume those risks. Prior to
receiving treatment, I have been candid in revealing any condition that may have a bearing on
this procedure.
I consent and authorize Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics , LLC, and it’s affiliates to perform the procedure
listed on me. I certify that I have read this entire informed consent and I understand and agree to
the information provided in the form. My questions regarding the procedure have been answered
satisfactorily. I hereby release Heather Merlo, APRN, FNP-C, Medical Director Dr. Fernando
Jara, Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics LLC from all liabilities associated with this procedure. This consent
is valid for all of my
treatments in the future as well.

Consent for VTONE
Patient name: ______________________________Treatment Sites: vaginal canal
I duly authorize Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics to perform the VTONE treatment.
I understand that the VTONE is an EMS (Electrical Muscle Stimulation) device used for intra
vaginal treatment providing electrical stimulation and neuromuscular re- education for the
purpose of rehabilitation of weak pelvic floor muscles for the treatment of stress, urge, and
mixed urinary incontinence in women. It has been explained to me that although EMS
treatments has been very effective there is no guarantee that I will benefit from this treatment. I
understand the most common side effects and complications from this treatment are the
1. Pain: you may experience pain during or after the procedure. If you feel significant discomfort
after the treatment, you may use over the counter pain medications after the procedure.
2. Swelling: there may be swelling in the treatment areas after the treatment which can last up to
one week in duration.
3. Skin irritation and burns: you may experience a burn which can be mild, moderate or severe
to different degrees in
the treatment area. Minor burns generally heal without difficulty but more severe burns, though
rate, can lead to
scarring, sensory or pigmentary changes.
4. Scarring: the risk of this complication is minimal but it can occur whenever the surface of the
skin is disrupted. Strict
adherence to all post-operative instructions will minimize the possibility of this occurring.
5. Allergic reactions: it is possible to experience an allergic reaction to an anesthetic, topical
cream or oral medication.
6. Herpes Eruption: it is possible, even with antiviral prophylaxis, to experience a herpes
eruption if you are an HSV
carrier. Inform your doctor immediately if you experience pain, skin eruptions or blistering posttreatment so that
the proper treatment can be initiated.
7. Infection: this treatment has the potential to cause skin damage, so infection is possible.
Infection is unlikely, but can
be life-threatening if it does occur and is left untreated; signs and symptoms of infection are:
redness, fever, pain, pus and swelling. Should infection occur, you should contact you doctor for
immediate evaluation and treatment.
It is important that you tell your doctor if you experience any of these side effects.
I understand that clinical results may vary depending on individual factors, including but limited
to medical history, skin type, patient compliance with pre/post treatment instructions, and
individual response to treatment.
I certify that I have been fully informed of the nature and purpose of the procedure, expected
outcomes and possible complications, and I understand that no guarantee can be give as to the
final result obtained. I am fully aware that my condition is of cosmetic concern and that the
decision to proceed is based solely on my expressed desire to do so.
I confirm that I have informed the staff regarding any current or past medical condition, disease
or medication taken. I confirm that I have had an up-to-date normal PAP test and that I have
communicated these results.
I consent to the taking of photographs and authorize their anonymous use for the purpose of
medical audit, education and promotion.
I certify that I have been given the opportunity to ask questions and that I have read and fully
understand the contents of this consent form.
I understand that the treatment may involve risks of complication or injury from both known and
unknown causes, and I freely assume those risks. Prior to
receiving treatment, I have been candid in revealing any condition that may have a bearing on
this procedure.
I consent and authorize Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics , LLC, and it’s affiliates to perform the procedure
listed on me. I certify that I have read this entire informed consent and I understand and agree to
the information provided in the form. My questions regarding the procedure have been answered
satisfactorily. I hereby release Heather Merlo, APRN, FNP-C, Medical Director Dr. Fernando
Jara, Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics LLC from all liabilities associated with this procedure. This consent
is valid for all of my
treatments in the future as well.

___________________________________, authorize my Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics provider or
advanced practice clinician (s) and/or whomever may be designated as the medical assistant(s),
to help me in my weight reduction efforts. I understand that my program may consist of a
balanced deficit diet, a regular exercise program, instruction in behavioral modification
techniques, and may involve the use of appetite suppressant medications. Other treatment
options may include a very low caloric diet, or a protein supplemented diet. I further understand
that if appetite suppressants are prescribed, they may be used for durations exceeding those
recommended in the medication package insert. It has been explained to me to my complete
satisfaction that these medications have been used safely and successfully in private medical
practices as well as in academic centers for periods exceeding those recommended in the
medication product literature.
I have been provided a list of the medications that will be apart of my weight loss problem and
have the means to review various side effects, medication interactions, adverse effects ext
regarding the medication and I have been provided for my weight loss journey. I understand that
it is my responsibility to review any new treatment plan with the primary care provider of choice.
I understand that results of the program are not guaranteed and the program is non refundable.
I understand that any medical treatment may involve risks as well as the proposed benefits. I
also understand that there are certain health risks associated with remaining overweight or
obese. Risks associated with remaining overweight are tendencies to have high and increasing
higher blood pressure, diabetes, heart attack and heart disease, arthritis of the joints including
hips, knees, feet and back, sleep apnea, and sudden death. I understand that these risks may
be modest if I am not significantly overweight, but will increase with additional weight gain.
I understand that much of the success of the program will depend on my efforts and that there
are no guarantees or assurances made to me that the program will be successful. I also
understand that obesity may be a chronic, life-long condition that may require drastic changes in
eating habits and permanent changes in behavior to be treated successfully.
I understand that failing to show up for an appointment I have scheduled, without calling or
contacting Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics ahead of time, represents a disruption to
operation of the clinic. Failure to show up (“No-Show”) for a pre appointed Follow Up Visit, or ‐
failure to cancel at least one full business day prior to a scheduled visit will result in need to pay
for the missed visit and pre-pay the next Medical Weight Loss Visit.
I have read and fully understand this consent form and “no show” policy. I have had all of my
questions answered to my complete satisfaction. I have been given all the time that I need to
carefully read and understand this form.
________ (Initials) By my initials, I acknowledge that I have had an opportunity to review Sei Tu
Bella Aesthetics General Consent for Treatment Policy and also acknowledge that I should
request a copy, a copy will be provided to me.
Patient Full Name: _______________________________________ Date:
__________________ (Or person and relationship with authority to consent for the patient)have
been provided a copy of Notice of Privacy Practices at Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics
I understand that the treatment may involve risks of complication or injury from both known and
unknown causes, and I freely assume those risks. Prior to receiving treatment, I have been
candid in revealing any condition that may have a bearing on this procedure.
I consent and authorize Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics , LLC, and it’s affiliates to perform the procedure
listed on me. I certify that I have read this entire informed consent and I understand and agree to
the information provided in the form. My questions regarding the procedure have been answered
satisfactorily. I hereby release Heather Merlo, APRN, FNP-C, Medical Director Dr. Fernando
Jara, Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics LLC from all liabilities associated with this procedure. This consent
is valid for all of my
treatments in the future as well.

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