Evolve Tone

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Evolve Tone


This customizable hands-free muscle toning treatment works by emitting electrical muscle stimulation that stimulates involuntary muscle contractions. Tones hand-free applicators are strategically placed to optimize muscle strength, refine, and define.

Revolutionary body contouring treatments provide full body solutions without extensive surgery, reduce downtime, and no visible scarring.

What are the advantages of EVOLVE TONE:

  • Strengthens muscle
  • Non-surgical
  • No intense pain or significant discomfort
    Sculpts and contours the body
  • Sessions are fast and effective and as little as 30 minutes.
  • No downtime or recovery is required, the treatment area will feel like I had a nice workout and you can continue your day as usual


  • Buttocks – Improve the muscle tone and strength of the buttocks in as little as two weeks.
  • Abdomen – Tone target specific muscles to refine the look of the abdomen.
  • Arms – Biceps/triceps and deltoids all benefit to give that toned result with less giggle and more strength. What does pairs nicely with Morpheus body to also use Radiofrequency to burn fat tissue. 
  • Hips – Tone and sculpt the hips to provide a flawless break into the buttocks and thigh muscles.

Evolve tone is a painless procedure and most clients find this treatment comfortable. It is customizable to your tolerance and you will feel your muscles contract similar to what you experience during a workout. 

Evolve Tone is a non-invasive FDA approved procedure that tones and sculps various muscle groups. This treatment has undergone extensive peer reviewed studies and the results conclude there is negligible risk of side effects. 

Evolve Tone targets specifically the muscle; however, it does not address skin tone, texture, and laxity. Optimal results are seen when pairing with a Morpheus Body treatment. Your treatment procedure will be visibly firm starting at the skin, toned as the radio-frequency burns through the fat, and EMS to involuntarily strengthening the muscle. Evolve Tone and Morpheus body synergistically will leave you with a toned physique

Your treatment procedure will be visibly firm starting at the skin, toned as the radio-frequency burns through the fat, and EMS to involuntarily strengthening the muscle. Evolve Tone and Morpheus body synergistically will leave you with a toned physique

A treatment session with Evolve Tone leaves you with no downtime and no additional period required for recovery. You can schedule your session during your lunch break and then resume your daily activities immediately. You may experience some redness or warmth in the treated areas and some muscle soreness but that will resolve within a few hours and is no different than what you would experience in a normal gym session.

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